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Originally this was going to be a one-shot with two chaps only but ao3 readers asked for me to continue with more. soo that's what I'm doing we have them to thank lol

enjoy ♡



Chan was..lost..



Confuzzled yes that's the word to describe the feeling Chan was consumed with. Like how has he not woken up yet this HAS to be a weird dream. Because the dark haired ( really insanely handsome ) aussie was finding it really really REALLY difficult to comprehend what the hell happened in that lockerroom and how it even happened.

He made out with Minho. Lee fucking Minho of all people it had to be him?? His so-called homophobic enemy? Like what? Never did the thought of kissing Minho cross Chan's mind because it sounded impossible. Chan believed that if anything he'd get Minho's fist to his face but instead got his lips. From arguing to full on tongue battling.

The whole thing makes zero sense like Minho hates him and Chan hates him too yet that pretty red headed jerk made the first move pulling Chan in! Which makes this even more wtf. Plus let Chan hold him up and palm him in the bathroom like double what.

And it sucks because Chan wasn't allowed a chance to question Minho about it since well they were interrupted and Minho hurried to leave after pushing Chan away. Man Chan didn't think he'd be kissing someone else only Jeongin. Oh God ..Jeongin.

No no he can NOT let him find out ever. Jeongin has made it clear he holds hatred for Minho and the bread was already upset at Chan for thinking he was going to make out with Hyunjin. BUT major fucking plot twist that turned out to be Minho he sucked face with.

The fact that Minho and Jeongin are dormmates.


Minho Minho Minho

Oh God Chan cannot stop thinking about him as he made his walk to the dormitory. That red head is embedded in his head, their make out repeating in there like a broken record player. The worst part in all of this is that Chan liked it.

Yes he fucking liked that make out session with Minho he can't deny it was hot. Oh the small cute moans Minho was letting out as Chan kissed him deep while his large hands gripped on Minho's small waist-

Shit this is not good.

By now it was dark outside the moon out shining in all its glory. Chan arrived to the dormitory and as he entered the building he goes past the lady in her thirties at the front desk.

"Chris! Hello?"

When he gets called at by her and it made him freeze in his steps."Oh hi!" He exclaimed after with a tiny voice crack, turning to face her.

"Usually you always greet me first handsome." She says sulking a little with her arms crossed.

"Right haha." Chan replied with a sheepish grin and forced laugh. "My bad I'm just.."

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Just got a lot going through my mind." Chan let out quickly, nodding his head just urgent to head to his dormroom.

"Aww I see well better get some well enough sleep then. Rest that stressed mind of yours." The woman advised giving him a sweet comforting grin.

"Of course, have a good night." Chan tells her and he turned back around on his heel leaving the space.

BURNING OBSESSION | MINCHAN Where stories live. Discover now