Special Chapter

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A few days before King Baldwin and his Order of the knights marched to war, Roger De Moulin, his faithful servant, was in the midst of the bustling market, Roger de Moulin found himself drawn into an unexpected encounter with Lady Helena. He observed her from a distance, captivated by her presence, only to stumble upon a moment that led to a tense confrontation about the alleged theft of her mother's necklace.

As Lady Helena departed, leaving Roger slightly amused yet intrigued by her reaction, his thoughts were interrupted by the familiar voice of his older brother, Lord Frederick. Roger turned to see his brother approaching, and a warm embrace followed their reunion.

"Roger," Frederick began, concern etched on his face, "I'm in dire need of your help."

In the chateau of Lord Roger De Moulin, He and his brother, Lord Frederick, arrived. Roger's chateau sat elegantly just beyond the outskirts of Jerusalem, standing as a testament to the family's heritage and stature within the realm. It was nestled within a verdant landscape, flanked by rolling hills and lush fields, providing a picturesque view of the grandiose castle of King Baldwin from a distance.

Lord Frederick, being Roger's older brother, possessed a commanding presence and a distinguished air. He stood tall with a broad stature, his shoulders squared, emanating an aura of nobility and responsibility. His chiseled features bore the marks of wisdom, etched through the trials of life, with a strong jawline and piercing yet compassionate eyes that reflected his caring nature.

Frederick's hair has the same color with Roger’s Dark hair adding to his mature demeanor. He carried himself with a sense of grace, his movements deliberate and purposeful, befitting his status as a respected nobleman. His attire often comprised well-tailored garments, indicative of his noble lineage, yet there was a practicality about him that spoke of a man attuned to the world beyond the confines of courtly life.

Despite the burdens he carried as the elder son of the family, there was a quiet strength about Lord Frederick, a resilience that he wore with both dignity and grace. His countenance held a mix of determination and concern, a reflection of his deep commitment to the welfare of his family and his genuine care for those around him.

In the late hours of the day, the amber sunlight streamed through the tall, arched windows of Roger's office, casting warm rays that danced upon the polished mahogany desk. The room exuded an air of quiet sophistication, adorned with ornate tapestries depicting ancient battles and ancestral emblems proudly displayed on the walls.

At the heart of the room sat a grand desk, meticulously organized with stacks of parchment, quills, and ink pots neatly arranged atop its surface. Behind the desk, a high-backed chair upholstered in rich burgundy fabric commanded attention, where Roger often sat to oversee his duties.

On the opposite side, a plush seating area invited guests to relax amidst sumptuous furnishings, while shelves adorned with leather-bound tomes and Deer heads lined the walls, hinting at Roger's hunting pursuits.

Frederick shared the distressing news about their family's predicament—how their lands had been confiscated by Duke Hastings, due to their father’s gambling habit, and the family faced imminent threats from other nobles. To salvage their family's honor, Frederick proposed a solution that he hoped would remedy their dire situation—a marriage between Roger and the elder daughter of the Duke of Hastings.

Lord Frederick and Roger sat facing each other, the elder brother's countenance etched with concern as he relayed the unsettling news. The lines on Roger's forehead creased deeper as he listened intently, his jaw tightening with a mixture of frustration and determination to find a solution.

The room seemed to hold its breath, the air filled with a sense of foreboding as the brothers delved into the precarious situation facing their family.

As Frederick spoke, Roger's gaze fixed upon him, the sunlight catching the edge of his determined expression, his eyes reflecting the resolve to navigate through this unexpected turmoil.

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