A Partridge In A Pear Tree

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I was sitting in the back seat of the warm car, frost forming on the outside of the window. It was midway through October and I was on my way to a movie set. The radio in the car blared with news about me, as it does around this time of year.

"Famous Korean-American Actress, Melanie Smith, is rumored to be starring in a Christmas K-drama with none other than the famous K-pop band, The Boyz. The name is currently unknown, but we will be sure to keep you guys updated. This will be her next big project since she married her husband in the summer of last year. Moving on..."

"The public loves to talk about you" My manager stated, not taking his eyes off the road.

"I know they do. What is this movie about anyway?"

"Oh, you don't remember?"

"I had a family event, a press conference, and interviews upon interviews since you told me. I don't remember anything"

"Sorry, Mrs. The show's about a girl who gets sucked into a book and goes through the 12 days of Christmas."

"Got it. Is the script up there?"

"It should be in the bag back there with you Mrs."

"Please, call me Melanie, we've gone over that before"

"I know, just being polite. The bag should be by your feet"

I saw the bag he was talking about, and rummaged through it, pulling out a packet of stapled papers. I read over my parts one last time as we pulled into the parking lot of the building.

"We're here Mrs. Melanie"

He got out and came to open my door for me. I thanked him as I walked in and was directed to the dressing room. On a rack were plenty of costumes, each labeled as a random day numbered one through twelve.

"You will be wearing these today," The stylist pointed to two costumes all wrapped up, "the rest of the shoots will be done throughout the rest of the week, depending on when each actor is on his way"

"Ok, thank you" I replied and they left to leave me to get ready.

I unzipped the outfit cover to find a pale blue, medium-length tulle dress waiting to be put on. I finished putting it on, just as someone came and knocked on the door.

"Come in"

The door creaked open to reveal a hair and makeup artist, bag in hand.

"Mrs. Yoon, are you ready for your makeup?"

"Just about"

I finished fixing up the dress on myself before sitting down in the makeup chair, alerting her. She came to my side and placed her neatly filled bag on the vanity and started working at my face, making sure it fit my character. As she was finishing up, a staff member came in.

"The set is ready Miss Yoon, and you will be having a partner today"

The urge to whip my head around was as intense as it could get, but I withheld for the sake of my makeup artist. Once done with makeup, I quickly put on my shoes and was led to the set. It was a giant tree-like green screen structure, and someone was waiting at the top for me. I was going to be working with wires, which I knew I was going to be working with, just not today.

"Oh geez" I mumbled as I climbed up to the top of the structure.

The height was much taller than I expected, as I looked down, feeling a little nauseous.

"Are you ok Mrs.?, you look a little flushed" The wire man asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me"

He looked at me with a thumbs up and put the harness on, making sure it was nice and tight.

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