Two Turtle Doves (Melanie POV)

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"Another day, another shoot" I mumbled, getting into the car with my manager.

"Not so fast Mrs." He said after hearing my mumbles.

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to a bird sanctuary today"

"A bird what?"

"Sanctuary. They rehabilitate injured birds. For the shoot, you and your partner are going to befriend some birds that are almost ready to be released back into the wild. The shoot is when you will actually release them."

"So we have to perfect it in one take?"

"Kind of"

"Ok then"

I didn't think I would be working with real birds today, and thought it would be fake like it was yesterday, but never say never. The ride wasn't as long as expected and we pulled into an empty parking lot. Walking in, a bell rung above the door, alerting the receptionist.

"Hello, how may I-" She paused mid sentence realizing who I was.

"M-Melanie Smith!"


Her face flushed red as she started panicking a little bit.

"I'm a h-huge fan o-of your work. I-I know I probably shouldn't ask, b-but can I p-please have your autograph?"

I eyed my manager, and he just shrugged.

"I don't see why not"

"T-Thank you. G-Give me a moment"

She cutely scrambled through drawers or file sorters for a notepad, eventually grabbing one. I wrote my signature on the paper in a swift movement.

"T-Thank you"

"You're welcome"

Just as I replied, another familiar face walked in. He had a handsome figure that sent my ears turning red for a moment.


"Hello" The band member replied smoothly.

"Is it ok if I have an autograph, I won't tell anyone"

"I don't-"

Sangyeon's manager, who was once behind him, quickly shifted me over to take care of the zealous fan.

"Hi, I'm Sangyeon's manager. We aren't doing autographs right now. We were here to ask about any Doves you guys had rehabilitated already"

"W-We do sir. They're in the back"

"Great, are there any turtle doves?"

"A-A couple sir"

"Great to know, is it ok if our artists come by every few days to befriend them?"

"O-Of course, c-can I please know why?"

"That information is classified I'm afraid"

"R-Right. Just follow me"

The girl came from behind the counter and the four of us made our way to the back, squawking filling our ears. There were so many different species of bird, it was fascinating to walk by them all.

"H-Here we are," The young receptionist said, unlocking a door to a room.

As I walked in, I was greeted by two majestic white birds perched on a tree branch. The looked almost heavenly unde the sky light above their tree.

"Open your hand Mrs Smith,"The girl said to me and I opened my palm as she placed a small pile of bird seed in my hand.

She did the same for Sangyeon, before telling our managers to move back. The birds sat perched for another minute or so before spying the food in our hands.

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