Two Turtle Doves (Sangyeon POV)

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I was deep in my sleep when an alarm started going off, breaking me from my slumber. Jacob, who was right above me, was also woken up.

"Did you really need to set an alarm for this early?" He groaned.

"You know we have something to do this morning"

"What was that again?"

"You were going to a recording session and I'm going to a bird sanctuary"


He yawned loudly before climbing down and going to get ready. I looked at my phone and a notification came out, shocking me awake.

"The managers are already downstairs"

"Ai-shi!" Jacob muttered, almost cursing.

He threw on a jacket and some sweatpants hurriedly and left, waving goodbye to me, as he was going somewhere different. I threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, before making my way downstairs, trying not to wake up anyone else in the process. My manager was waiting downstairs. He wasn't the best person for my half-asleep self to be around, but he was all I had right now.

"Come on, we're supposed to be on the road now" He said sternly.

I got in the car and we pulled away, when I realized I didn't even know where we were going.

"Where are we going?"

"A bird sanctuary"

"A what?"

"A bird sancutuary. There are a couple birds there for the movie shoot. You and Melanie will be releasing them back into the wild for the shoot.

"So, that means we have to do it in one take?"

"Possibly, depending on the circumstances"

"Alright, just wondering"

I knew the show had a lot birds in it, but I didn't think they would be real birds, but never say never I guess. The ride was a lot longer than expected; long enough for me to get a nap in before we arrived. I woke up and saw a building with birds on the sign out the window. My manager pulled into the parking lot and I noticed another black car, similar to what we were in now. I got out, and walked in, a bell ringing above the door.

I walked up to the counter to find a young girl, around no more than 20 years old in a flustered mess. She looked my way and instantly recognized me.


"Hello, nice to meet you" I replied.

"Is it ok if I have an autograph, I won't tell anyone"

"I don't-"

My manager, who was once behind me, quickly shifted in front of me over to take care of buisness, even though she was a fan.

"Hi, I'm Sangyeon's manager. We aren't doing autographs right now. We were here to ask about any Doves you guys had rehabilitated already"

"W-We do sir. They're in the back"

"Great, are there any turtle doves?"

"A-A couple sir"

"Great to know, is it ok if our artists come by every few days to befriend them?"

"O-Of course, c-can I please know why?"

"That information is classified I'm afraid"

"R-Right. Just follow me"

The girl came from behind the counter and the four of us made our way to the back, squawking filling our ears. I eyed my manager from behind him, a bit mad that I he didn't let me answer. I observed the multiple species of bird through the glass windows that incased them, shrouded in greenery.

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