Chapter Two

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*Disclaimer- this chapter was so sad. It also was super long and had to be broken up into two parts. Happy Reading :)* 

Privet Drive- Night

The film begins, the opening scene is a street sign Privet Drive. An owl sitting on the sign flies away to reveal an elderly man walking through the forest. He stops at the edge of the street and takes out a small tube shaped device and zaps all of the light from the street lamps. As he is placing the device into the breast pocket of his purple robes, he spots a tabby cat on the garden wall

"Lily, isn't that where Petunia and Vernon live?" Magnolia whispered to her sister. "I believe so, I wonder why Professor Dumbledore is visiting them at this time of night" Lily murmured back.

In the background of the Great Hall, you can hear the excitement of James and Sirius. "Mum, would you be able to nick me one of those for Christmas?" James asked Effie. "Absolutely not, and Monty you better not get it for him either. Merlin knows you lot cause enough mischief as it is" Effie exclaimed.

"Ronald, put that thing away. I can not believe you brought it here of all places". Hermione whispered. "Mione, why have it if I can show it off, its what Dumbledore would have wanted". Ron replied.

"James, lads, take a look. I was left with this by Professor Dumbledore himself." Ron showed them the deluminator. "Wicked" they replied

The camera zooms into the tabby cat on the wall. Albus Dumbledore, looks down at it knowingly.

Dumbledore:"Minerva, I should have know that you would be here"

"MINNIE" both the past and future generations shout. Professor McGonagall shushes them with a faint smile on her lips. She loved her lions more than anything.

The cat meows, and shifts out of frame. It's shadow is seen growing until a fully human Minerva McGonagall is in its place. She is standing years older, in an emerald green cloak.

McGonagall: Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. I've come to see if the rumors are true.

Dumbledore: I'm afraid so, Minerva. Both the good and the bad.

McGonagall: And the boy?

Dumbledore: Hagrid is bringing him as we speak.

McGonagall: Do you think it is wise to trust Hagrid with something as grave and important as this?

"We trust Hagrid with our lives!" the future generation exclaims. "Our secrets however not so much" Lyra giggles to a blushing Hagrid.

Dumbledore: Yes, I would trust Hagrid with my life.

They are cut off by the sound of a motorcycle coming from overhead. It skids onto the street and halts. A large man with shoulder length black hair and a large wiry beard approaches. As he approaches the professors he takes his goggles off.

"Moony, look at that. Can I have one? Will you help me make it?" Sirius cried. Remus gave him one glance and murmured "No". Sirius looked down pouting before turning to James, "Prongs, do you think we could figure that out?". "Definitely, with the help of Mini Evans" James smirked.

Hagrid: Professor Dumbledore, Sir. Professor McGonagall. Wish I was seeing the both of youse on better circumstances.

Dumbledore: No problems, I trust, Hagrid?

Hagrid: None sir. Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. Hehe, try not to wake him up. He's got quite the set of lungs. Here you go.

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