Chapter Eight

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Lupin Cottage

The scene opened up of Lupin cottage. Remus Lupin was sitting on the couch. His clothes were wrinkled, hair greasy, and eyes hollow. He was grieving the loss of the loves of his life. They weren't dead but they might as well be. Sirius was responsible for the murder of their found family and Magnolia would never forgive him for walking away from her when she needed him the most.

Their last encounter replayed over and over in his mind, her hoarse voice pleading for him to come back echoed around his brain. Firewhisky had become his new life partner. The full moon was coming up and Moony was angry. His pack was gone and he was heart broken...

Remus's pity party was interrupted by repetitive tapping on the front window by the door. Standing on wobbling limbs, he grabbed his cane and began shuffling towards the window. Upon opening the window he was met with a disgruntled Aries, scowling at him while sticking his small leg out expectantly.

Aries had no interest making the encounter present, as Remus was trying to untie the envelope from his leg, he kept nibbling at Remus's fingers. Finally, he was able to free the letter. A now letterless Aries decided to scope out his old home while waiting around for Remus's reply.

Recognition flashed through Remus's eyes as he looked at the handwriting addressing the letter to him, it was Magnolia's neat cursive. Hobbling over to the desk in his study, he grabbed a letter opened to severe the wax seal. Once the letter was open, a few contents spilled out. Ignoring the roll of film , he snatched the letter and began scanning the page.


I have gone back and forth with myself debating whether or not I should even write this letter. As you know, I am pregnant. What you didn't know is that my pregnancy was the result of our potion. Granted, when we planned to expand our family I didn't expect to become a single mum. This isn't to shame you or make you feel less than. Despite what happened, I miss you more than words could even begin to describe. My soul yearns to be with you and Sirius. Logically I know that can't happen. Regardless, you deserve the right to be a parent to our children. Yes, children plural. We're having twins! I recently had my first visit with the healer; Severus tagged along with me. I'm ecstatic for them to arrive, a little boy and a little girl! I do not expect you to drop everything and come running back, but I do expect you to put in effort if you wish to be a part of their lives. Healer Nott says I am around 20 weeks along, but the babies will be "full term" towards the end of February. I know you're wondering if they have lycanthropy,but to be quite honest I don't care. Nothing could change my love for them. We will not know until their birth. I have attached some pictures for you to keep. I hope to hear back from you soon, but if I do not hear anything by the end of February I will assume you do not wish to take part in their lives. Send my love to Moony, I hope the full moon treats you well. If you need anything, I am currently living in Potter Manor with Harry. If you wish to see him feel free to stop by, but I will warn you that Severus will be living here.

Best Wishes,

Magnolia Evans

The Great Hall was silent. Many, including the marauders, were hoping Remus would write back immediately and beg Magnolia to forgive him. The future generation was proud of their mother for putting them first and setting aside her emotions for the benefit of her children. Remus was sick to his stomach to think of a life without Magnolia by his side. He thought that no matter what happened, Magnolia would always be constant. Granted, he knew this was his own doing, but he still had the right to be upset. Silently, he was willing himself to put the whiskey down and write back to one of the loves of his life.

As Remus picked up the roll of film, the screen zoomed in to show everyone. The sonogram displayed a moving picture of the twins wiggling about, Magnolia also included pictures from their trip to Stardust Haven and Harry unwrapping his Christmas gifts with Ginger. His eyes focused on a specific picture of Magnolia. Her blue eyes were gleaming with happiness as she held a bundled Harry up towards the camera, his snowsuit making him look like a Pygmy Puff, his face displaying nothing short of joy. He wanted to be that happy. Most importantly he wanted his family back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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