ch1-{the Incident}

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Shrignold pov


It was late evening.. everyone was finishing up dinner. I was washing the dishes, not caring about my sleeves getting wet.. anything would be better than rolling them up. As I finished up the dishes I began wiping down the counter.. everything felt so empty. Fifteen people in this house yet It still felt so empty.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and flinched, Of course it was just larry.
"Darling, I'm sorry to complain but, shouldn't you change? There's water all over you.." Larry said with a nervous chuckle. Larry was right, there was water all over me from washing the dishes. I understand why he was concerned but I hadn't done the laundry yet and I didn't have anymore long sleeves left
"I'm fine.." I said as I tried to smile, i never really genuinely smiled that often to the point where almost everybody thought this was how my smile look. Larry had seen a genuine smile once, but I don't think he knew.
"Are you sure? You look like you just came in from the rain" Larry said with another small chuckle.
"It'll dry eventually, no biggie" I said as I kept trying to shrug it off.
"If you say so, I'll be in your room then!" Larry said before walking away with a big smile. Oh how I hope I can keep this up forever.

Now I was alone in the kitchen, the light was dim and I tried finishing up cleaning up the counters. I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings but I swore I saw something in the corner of my eye. It looked like some shadowy figure was just standing and watching me but as soon as I looked up it was gone.
I was confused and I was scared. I took a deep breath, maybe it was all in my head, yeah.. that's it.
I continued wiping the counters down, being a bit quicker due to what happened. It happened again, the figure was behind me this time though... When I looked at it it didn't disappear this time. It just stared at me with it's glowing white eyes. I backed up
"Who are you!? What are you!!?" I yelled in fear but it didn't budge, it just made some weird noise.
"Shrignold..?" Paige said walking into the kitchen. I looked at Paige then looked back for the figure but it was gone
"What the hell-!?" I was even more confused now, I looked at Paige, she probably thought I was crazy.
We just looked at each other and then she left without another word, a concerned look on her face. I sighed and finished up what I was doing quickly before going upstairs to see Larry.

I've struggled with weird things in the past but nothing like this has ever happened before. I went up to my room and saw Larry there on his phone sitting in my bed and vaping. It was normal for him to do such so I didn't pay much mind to it
"Hey shriggy, Paige said you were uh yelling at something down there.. are you alright?" He ask me. I walk over to my dresser to clean up some of the clutter.
"Yeah I'm fine.." I said attempting to smile again. He wasn't buying it.
"Shrignold you've been acting really odd recently.." Larry said as he got up and hugged me from behind, holding me close to his body as we both faced the mirror on my dresser. I didn't know how to reply, I've never really been confronted for this before.
"I don't know what your talking about.." I said trying to ignore the question.
"Shrignold you know exactly what I'm talking about" Larry said a bit more serious
"You've been really distant recently, and you haven't been out the house in months.." Larry said clearly concerned, I still wasn't sure what to say, but I knew Larry wasn't gonna give this up.
"I swear im fine-" I started as I looked in the mirror in front of me, I knew Larry was behind me hugging my waist and talking but as I looked into the mirror I didn't see him.. I saw the black figure from earlier in it's place.
As if it was instinct I immediately pushed Larry off of me. I still saw the figure in his place, I didn't see my Larry


No one's pov
Larry seemed confused and very concerned at Shrignolds reaction
"Shrignold-?" He asked very concerned as he stepped closer to him
"Get the fuck away from me!" Shrignold yelled in fear, Larry was very scared and confused now
"Shrignold it's me-" he said trying to explain but shrignold kept on screaming for Larry to get away, Larry had no idea what was happening and a few others came into the room. Shrignold saw everyone as the dark entity. Tony would soon call the cops as Shrignold kept on screaming at everyone to stay away.
It was heartbreaking for larry to see Shrignold be carried away by the ambulance as he screamed at everyone around him to stay away, the nurses basically having to drag him to the ambulance because he wasn't cooperating and drug him soon after so he would calm down.

Three days later

After a little bit in the hospital Shrignold was told he needed some form of mental help. Shrignold wasn't allowed to make the decision tho.. instead they went to the person who would be most responsible for this decision, Tony. He had always been the most responsible along with Paige and Colin because they were the oldest and closest to Shrignold. Tony was the oldest though so they decided to leave him with the decision. Tony cared about Shrignold, he was one of the first teachers after all so they had history together. Tony wanted what was best for Shrignolds health so he decided to have him sent to the nearest Mental institution. Shrignold didn't want this and Larry didn't either. Paige, colin, and Stan agreed with Tony the most tho because they believed it would really help Shrignolds mental health.

So within the next few hours Shrignold was transferred to the mental institution.

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