ch2-{The Welcoming}

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Shrignold pov


Before I was able to fully process anything happening in the hospital It had already been decided by Tony. After that everything felt like a fever dream.. I felt like everything went by so quickly, I would black out and forget what was going on half the time, I would be in a completely different situation from what I even remember. everytime I saw, felt, or heard something it was only brief and completely random before I black out again..

I did remember one thing though.. something not so brief. in between all these experiences I would hear voices.. sometimes i heard a sweet womans voice and others it sounded more like a deeper and darker voice with an unknown gender.. and I would regularly see the dark figure, standing in the distance.. watching me with it's bright white eyes.. but it never got close. Before I knew it I was already in the mental institution but that's when the black outs were less frequent.

As soon as I arrived I was led to my room by a nurse where I would meet my roommate.. they seemed pretty nice and also seemed to have been there for a while so I would hopefully be able to get some help to know more about this place. They sat on their bed when I arrived, reading a book. I was with the nurse which made things a bit less awkward. I sat on my bed on my side of the room, staying quiet. Once the nurse left it was quiet for a few moments before my roommate practically tossed the book across the room and immediately went over to me

"Who are you?" They immediately said with a smile, I was quite shocked at how quickly they switch up "Im Shrignold.. you?" I said trying to keep my cool "The names Summer! Nice to meet you" they said looking me up and down "I see you probably have never been in a place like this before.. don't worry, I know everything about this place! You'll understand it all in no time.." summer said, a sorta sinister look in their eyes but I didn't question it, I needed to make friends somehow and I can't mess things up with somebody already. From then on id stick by Summers side, they showed me plenty of things about the place. During the time we had to take our medication they showed me how to hide it under my tongue so the nurses would think I'm taking the medication. After about a week of being here I had met most of the people near me thanks to them.

First we had Liam, he was more distant with everyone and whenever he actually was talking to somebody it was usually an argument, though because I was new he doesn't have a reason to argue with me. his girlfriend visited almost every day, only not visiting on the weekend. I can tell he really depends on her. Summer was known for pissing him off the most, they can't be in a room for more than a few moments before arguing.

Then there was Julian, he had been through a traumatic experience that had to do with abuse and now he sings almost everyday, I can hear his voice in the room next to me, I see music calms him down a lot.

Afterwards I met Sebastian, he was a more talkative guy, always had something to say. I wonder if he ever will run out of topics to talk about, but maybe I'll find out if I'm here long enough..

Micheal was a friend of summer's, it seemed they also looked up to summer just as much as I did.. but I knew my limits a bit more than they did, Micheal practically worshipped the ground summer walked on. It was a bit concerning but I didn't think much about it.

There was many more people here but these were the ones I always saw around, everybody else was in their own group. Within that week of being there I met my doctor, Alex. He was a sweet boy, I could tell from the way he talked and treated others. He seemed a bit younger than me, but I still looked up to him.. he had many patients, id soon learn one would be his very own fiance.. Diane. He also had another fiance named Weird. Most people thought their name was off but it wasn't long before I accepted it.

Another week passes in the institution and I noticed that I hadn't seen the black figure in a while.. it was a bit concerning but also exciting, maybe I truly was getting better? But I didn't feel any different.. just maybe a change of scenery helped? I guess I was wrong. That night, I was laying in bed, summer had fallen asleep already and I was still staring at the ceiling.. as I started I heard.. I heard the voice again. "Brown fur.. bead eyes.. long ears.." the woman's voice whispered.

i closed my eyes wishing for sleep but when they reopened. There it was. The dark figure standing over me, staring, watching. His eyes more red than ever. I screamed in fear as I got up, rushing to a corner of the room. I thought the figure would vanish after a yell but it stayed, it still stared! I screamed and screamed and eventually summer finally woke, clearly they were confused, they didn't understand what I was seeing. Not long after Alex ran into my room and immediately tried calming me down. Throughout all of this though it was still staring. I felt tears prick my eyes as I yelled to Alex that it was there! It wasn't moving but they didn't believe me at all. Eventually Alex escorted me to a different room where they promised me I wouldn't see it. They probably thought I was insane. Just when I thought things were getting better.. it watched me as I was escorted out.. but after I left the room I didn't see it for the rest of the night.. I hope I never see it again.

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