ch3-{no improvement}

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Shrignold pov

The next morning after I saw that figure I was much more quiet, I had lost all appetite that morning and I didn't wanna eat breakfast, thankfully Alex had stayed with me the entire night.. some doctors seemed to have a problem with that though.

"You don't need to do all of this Alex, he's just any normal crazy patient.." the doctor said to Alex, Alex didn't seem to agree though.
"He's not some crazy person! Everybody here is a person ynow?" They said in response to the other doctor "alright whatever, but please take that patient to the cafeteria, breakfast is mandatory.." the doctor said before walking away. Alex turned to me "I'm sorry about them, but let's head to the cafeteria now okay? You don't have to eat anything but just sit in there at least.." they said as they stood up.

I nodded, staying silent and followed them to the cafeteria, I saw summer and their group of people but when Alex saw them he seemed to not like them "how about you sit over here instead.." Alex said directing me to a different table which is where I would meet their two fiances, Weird and Diane. Diane was sitting with weird as weird was helping motivate Diane to eat their breakfast. Alex introduced them to me and I couldn't help but feel happy for them.. it sorta reminded me of Larry though, I felt suddenly homesick, I missed my friends. Aside from that I started to make conversation with them, specifically Diane, I saw their dragon plush in their hand and complimented them for it. Things felt quite peaceful for once in this place. That was until I saw a different group of people, they seemed more rebellious than everybody else and word went around that they were planning to escape, before I was even able to report that to Alex, I saw the group picking on him.. they were trying to get his key card to escape in a very bad way.. I saw them touching him and whispering to him, something snapped inside me that day.. something I never had experienced before. I felt as if something else took over my body because as soon as I saw how uncomfortable Alex was, I practically ran towards them and leaped at the man, I still remember seeing him all bloody and beat up.. others didn't know about what I was doing though. They didn't know my intentions. All they saw was a person attacking another who was seemingly innocent. I was the bad guy now.

I was escorted out of the cafeteria by security and within minutes I had been transferred to solitary confinement. I wasnt allowed to go out for a whole week.. I felt horrible, I had never been such an aggressive person before? Why now am I acting this way? I sat down on the bed in the room, I saw a small plush dog on the bed with me, it was brown and had droopy ears. I'm not sure who left it there or why they did but I felt drawn towards it, I took it into my arms, something about the plush just spoke to me.. it was odd. I named him Teddy, just a simple name for a simple plush.

After about 4 days I had began talking to the plush.. maybe it was because I had been away from society for a few days but I felt like it was responding to me.. not literally but like telepathically. It was weird and I knew it wasn't normal, but teddy told me not to mind it.. if teddy said it was okay then it was fine right? for the rest of the week I got to know teddy. Did you know his favorite color was yellow? I do! Once I was released from solitary confinement, as if immediately Alex and Summer knew I was off. But what were they to judge? I was fine

I found out when I got out of solitary confinement that summer had begun a huge rumor about me and said I was extremely violent..
that bitch.
I knew he was bad news but I didn't think he would do that! Now everyone I knew accept for Alex were avoiding me! And summer was still my roommate so I had to deal with them! I ranted to teddy about summer for a whole day.

Aside from that, after a few days Alex began to get more concerned about teddy "Shrignold.. where did you get that Teddy bear from?" Alex asked me a bit concerned. "This is Teddy, I found him on the bed in my room!" I replied with a huge smile, I took teddy everywhere so anybody who saw me knew about his existence.
"Nobody should've put that in there with you.." Alex said even more concerned. Summer chuckled "how come he got a teddy and I didn't last time I was in solitary confinement?" Summer joked. Alex didn't seem to like it though "give me the teddy bear Shrignold.." alex said reaching his hand out to me. I shook my head, immediately refusing "no.. teddy is my friend!"

"Shrignold give me the teddy!" Alex said a bit more demandingly. He attempted to grab the head of teddy and yank him out my arms. I felt that odd rage and rush of aggression. I wasn't sure if this was even me whenever I felt this. Before I could control myself I pounced at Alex and I hurt him in a way I never wanted to... I could've killed him if summer wasn't there to drag me away from him. By the time I realized what I had done It was too late. I regretted everything.. Alex was now seriously hurt but..

It was for Teddy
So it was fine.

Healing... (A dhmis fanfic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant