Annalynn Mask (New Job)

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"It's finally time to go look for a job." Rose said to me.

"Yes, I know." I said back to her a little pissy.

"You don't have to get mad at me. I know a business owner in need of an assistant." She said to me,

I rolled my eyes at her.

"You know I don't wanna work for anyone. It's been my dream to have my own business," i said back to her

*I know I won't be able to have my own company. I just moved here and I only know Rose. How could I ever open my own company?*

"I guess I will have to apply there, sadly, it is the only way I can get a job," I said, taking off my jacket.

"Look Anna I understand you don't like change and you have big dreams but sweetie you have to start small and try your best to rise to the top!" Rose responded, trying to cheer me up.

*She was right though I moved to New York to get away from my mother and to start over but I had to leave everything behind me. My friends, my job, and importantly my past. I have to let it go and start fresh.*

"You're right Rose. Where is this business at?" I asked her.

"It is at 567 Jackson road, Manhattan, New York." She told me.

Rose wrote the address down on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

"Thank you, I will be back later." I told her, giving her a soft smile.

"Anytime sweetie, be careful" she said and returned the smile.

I walked out the front door to the driveway where my car was parked. I got in and put in the address to the company building in my phone. A website had popped up for information about the company. Enzo Patterson. The name of the business owner was on the website.


I spent an hour and a half scrolling through the company's website before I finally left my driveway to go apply for the job.

I got to the building. Seven stories tall. It looked more like a skyscraper than a company. I walked inside the building and stopped at the desk to speak to the lady there.

"Hello! My name is Annalynn Mask, I'm here to see a job application for being an assistant." I politely told her.

She started typing on her computer for a couple minutes then handed my a keycard.

"Seventh floor, last room on the right, Mr, Patterson's office. He will talk to you about it there." she told me.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled and walked towards the elevator.

I pushed the up arrow button next to the elevator and waited for it to open. A blonde girl ran out the elevator to the building's exit crying. I was a little startled but tried not to let it bother me. Before the elevator closed another woman joined me introducing herself.

"Hey, my name is Eleanor. What's your name?" She said to me.

"My name is Annalynn." I responded.

"Such a pretty name! What are you here for? I've never seen you around." she asked.

"I am here to see about a job." I told her finally getting comfortable with her.

"What job if you don't mind me asking?" Eleanor siad.

"Assistant" I responded.

She gave me a worried look and then responded.

"Good luck with that. Mr. Patterson is ruthless."

I started to get worried. The elevator door opened and she left the elevator. She waved goodbye to me and gave a nice smile before the elevator closed. Eventually, I was on the seventh floor standing outside of his office scared to even knock.

*I understand why that girl left crying now. I'm scared and I haven't even met the man.*

I knocked on the door and tried to calm my anxiety as i heard a man inside respond.

"Come in." He said firmly.

I opened the door and walked into his office. I closed the door behind me and then stood behind the chair in front of his desk.

"Finally someone with a little respect for me," he chuckled. "You can sit down."

I took my seat in front of his desk. He took out a packet and a pen and handed them to me.

"I need you to fill out this packet, retrieve my coffee from the counter, and then collect my package from the front office," he said firmly.

"Yes sir," I said.

I sat outside his office filling out the paper work when a woman came up to me.

"Are you Mrs. Verteny?" she asked me.

Just as soon as I was about to answer Mr. Patterson came out of his office.

"Do you need something else Mr. Patterson?" I asked him.

"Answer her question," he responded.

I turned and looked at the woman with a kind smile.

"No ma'am I am not, I don't work here yet," I politely answered.

She smiled at me and then walked away. Mr. Patterson had taken away the packet from me and told me to complete my other tasks. I got up off the bench and went to the rest area and grabbed his coffee. I dropped it off at his office and went to the front office to grab his package.

"No ma'am I'm sorry but he is not seeing anyone else today." The lady at the front desk had told another woman

The woman got angry and turned to leave when she saw me with a package. She ran over to me and tried to take it from me. I kicked her to the floor and screamed for security. The guards took her out of the building and i went to complete my final task when i ran into Mr. Patterson. He snatched the box out of my hand and handed me an envelope.

"Open this when you get home. You're done here please leave." he said to me.

I felt bad. I thought I had done a bad job but I left before I messed up anything else.

I left the building and got in my car, pulling my phone out of my purse and texted my Aunt Rose.

-Hey Rose, I'm coming home, do you need anything before I head that way?

-No I don't see you when you get here!

-Ok love you

-Love you too


I sat on my bed turning on my TV when I remembered the envelope. I opened it and it read the following:

Dear Mrs. Mask

I appreciated your help today, I loved your enthusiasm and effort to do your tasks correctly. I need someone like you as my assistant. You start tomorrow at eight-thirty a.m. Dress nicely. I have a meeting at nine. Bring me my coffee before you enter my office.

-Enzo Patterson

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