Annalynn Mask (First Day)

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I woke up this morning excited for my first day at my new job! I got out of bed and hoped in the shower and washed my hair. When I got out of the shower I did my skin care routine, my did makeup, and my hair. I walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit when i remembered what the note said *Dress nicely* I picked out a nice red dress.

 I walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit when i remembered what the note said *Dress nicely* I picked out a nice red dress

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I walked downstairs and grabbed my purse and keys off the counter and walked towards the door. 

"Where are you going dressed up all fancy this early in the morning?" My aunt Rose stopped me and asked.

"I start my new job today! and Mr. Patterson has a meeting at nine that he wanted me to dress nice for." I answered her.

I chceked the time *7:30* 

"Oh shit!" I screamed. "I'm gonna be late!"

I ran out the door slamming it behind me on accident. I rushed to my car and drove to the company as fast as I could. I sprinted through the rest area grabbing Mr. Patterson's coffee and walking through his office door at 8:26 a.m.

"You're early." Mr. Patterson said surpised. 

"I tried. It's my first day I didn't want to set a bad impression on myself," I giggled.

*He doesn't know I ran here but he doesn't need to know that*

"I have to take a call, close my tabs on my computer and meet me at the elevator." He said to me.

"Yes sir!" I responded. 

I walked around his desk and sat in his chair. I looked at all the tabs opened and almost passed out. 

*How can one person have open at least a million tabs!?*

I closed each tab one by one making sure not to read any of them. Even if I did it wouldn't matter none of them seemed interesting. I finished closing all the tabs and grabbed my purse off the chair in front of his desk. I walked out the office down the hall to the elevator when I saw Mr. Patterson still on the phone but he looked pissed.

"Look Mr. Whinster, I have an assistant now and I don't need your daughter to help me. Besides even if I didn't have an assistant I'm a grown ass man I can take care of myself. Stop calling me or I'll ruin your company. Goodbye." he said very stern as he hung up the phone.

He turned to me and gave me a light smile and pushed the elevator button. Once it opened he motioned me to go in first and followed me in afterwards. The elevator wasn't normal however it didn't stop to pick up anyone. I didn't question it though.


We got to the meeting room and every man in the room turned to look at me. I felt really uncomfortable but I tried not to let it show. Mr. Patterson Introduced me and begain his presentation. I didn't have to pay attention but I did. I liked listening to him. His voice was soothing to me. I didn't feel uncomfortable anymore. Then suddenly I got a phone call from the hospital. I stepped out of the room and took the call.

"Is this Mrs. Annalynn Mask?" A lady asked.

"That is I. What's the problem?" I responded.

"You're aunt Rose Matthew was in an accident and is in a coma." she answered.

"Oh my goodness I'll be there right away!" i said and hing up the phone.

I walked back into the room and pulled Mr. patterson to the side

"I'm sorry to intrupt but I have an emergency to take care of and I have to leave I'll be back later to catch up." I told him.

I grabbed my purse and headed out of the building to my car. 


I got to the hospital and went to see my aunt. She looked fine but I assumed she had internal damage and damage I could not see. A nurse came into the room to talk to me.

"Hello, I'm nurse Dani. I'm in charge of Rose" she said.

"Hello, Annalynn." I answered briefly.

She gave my aunt a shot and left the room. I held my aunt's hand and laid my hand next to her. 

"Please don't leave me Rosey, You're all I have." i cried to her.

Time passed and I felt to sad staying at the hospital. I went back the company to catch up on the work I missed from being absent. When I pulled into the parking lot I felt sick to my stomach so I just went home.

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