Enzo Patterson (Feelings)

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This chapter is just last chapter re-written in Enzo's Pov. 

The second time Annalynn moved back to New York felt like a composition of fate, orchestrating our lives in ways I hadn't anticipated. Offering her not only a job but also a place to call home was a choice guided by more than professional obligation. As I watched her unpack in the apartment I provided, a symphony of gratitude and longing played within me.

The evening sun cast a warm glow as we exchanged stories and laughter, peeling away layers of formality. Encouraging her to call me Enzo was more than a casual invitation—it was an unveiling, an acknowledgment of the connection that had woven itself between us. Her presence brought a new vibrancy to the apartment, and the subtle shift from Mr. Patterson to Enzo marked the beginning of a melody that resonated deeper than the professional sphere.

That night, our dinner at the sushi place wasn't just a shared meal; it was a dance of glances and the unspoken notes of a burgeoning connection. The clinking of chopsticks echoed the rhythm of our unspoken understanding, and the delicate flavors mirrored the nuances of emotions we were both beginning to feel.

The following morning, our visit to her favorite coffee shop became a quiet affirmation of our shared experiences. The familiarity of the place, combined with the warmth of her smile, stirred feelings I had kept hidden beneath the surface. The coffee tasted better, not just because of the beans but because of the company.

Back at the apartment, organizing Annalynn's room felt like crafting a canvas for shared dreams. The laughter and easy banter were harmonies in the background of a melody that seemed to be gaining complexity. As the day unfolded, it became increasingly evident that my feelings for Annalynn weren't just professional; they ran deeper, weaving into the fabric of our connection.

Nightfall brought an unexpected twist—an encounter with her vulnerability. As a nightmare stirred her from sleep, she tiptoed into my room. The sight of her, seeking solace in my presence, evoked a swirl of emotions. With her beside me, the night became a quiet confession of unspoken feelings, a melody of longing and comfort.

As dawn broke, painting the city in soft hues, I realized that this chapter held the promise of more than just a professional relationship. The symphony of beginnings wasn't just about our shared journey in the city; it was about the growing romantic crescendo that unfolded with each passing moment. Annalynn, once an employee, had become a muse, and as the sun rose on a new day, I couldn't help but hope that our symphony would continue, building to a crescendo that would resonate through the chapters yet to be written.

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