Enzo Patterson (Business)

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One week had past since Annalynn came into work. I started to get worried about her. Why was I worried I don't care about her. Then I got a message.

Hey, Mr. Patterson. I'm so sorry for not being at work. I understand I just got this job. My aunt is in the hospital. I will be coming into work tomorrow and catching up on everything I've missed. Again I deeply apologize for missing work.

She seemed desperate to keep her job. I don't blame her though, a job like this is hard to keep.

I walked over to my computer and started doing work. I was answering phone calls, writing reviews on useless products from other employees, viewing stocks on my company, and calculating this week's profits. Eventually, I finished a call and went outside to smoke. I needed the break, this company stresses my out. 

"Mr. Patterson!" a man yelled right before I stepped outside.

I took a deep breathe and sighed.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Your assistant has been absent for a week now. Was she fired?" He asked.

"It's none of your business what happened to her. Go back to work and stay out of shit that doesn't concern you." I said back to him very annoyed.

*Why was he so concerned about Annalynn? He barely even knows her. Besides he needs to keep his nose out of shit that doesn't have anything to do with him*

"Hey! Mr. Johnson!" I yelled for the man. 

"Yes sir?" he replied.

"Pack your shit, your fired." I sternly said to him. 

I turned away and walked outside. I walked to my car to grab my cigarettes when a hand tapped my on the shoulder. I turned around to see Annalynn. Her face was covered in messed up makeup and tears.

"Hey Annalynn." I said to her.

"Hey Mr. Patterson." she said back.

I took out a napkin out of my pocket and handed it to her. 

"What are you doing her?" I asked her.

"I'm here to do my job." she said.

I stood there, staring down at her in shock. 

*Her aunt is in the hospital. Why is she back her earlier than she said she would?*

I turned back around to my car, grabbing my cigarettes and turning back to her. 

"I'm taking a break right now from phone calls and idiots. You wanna go eat?" I asked her.

"Sure." she reponded.


Annalynn's Pov

We both sat down across from each other as we waited for our food. Mr. Patterson was staring at me the whole time we were sitting there. It confused me so I asked him why he was staring.

"Shut up and don't question me. I'm just looking in your direction thinking about-" 

He stopped for a second to think of an excuse.

"Stocks." he finally finished.

"Yes sir, My apologies." I responded.

I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through pintrest. Mr. Patterson sighed and snacthed my phone out of my hands. I gave him a very mean look as he placed my phone next to him in the booth.

"Give that back!" I said anxiously and in a panic.

"No. Do something other than scrolling on your phone. Take your mind off the world by thinking about something." He demanded.

I stared at him in disbelief. Like he did not just say that. I tried not to let it bother me because he was my boss but he just took my phone!

"I want my phone back." I said to him.

"I don't care what you want you are not going to get it back until we leave." He demanded.

I huffed and crossed my arms falling back into the booth. He then imitated me in a bratty way. Then he giggled under his breathe.

"Lobster, with stuffed rigatoni and a carrot purée." the waitress spoke.

Mr. Patterson raised his hand.

"And a dragon roll and california roll?" she asked.

I raised my hand.

*Sushi always made my mood better. Weither I was sad, mad, or anything else other than happy, I would imeditaly be happy if given sushi.*

"Thank you so much!" I said to the waitress with a polite smile.

She smiled back and left.

"Sushi huh?" Mr. Patterson said.

"Is there a problem?" I said back to him, still slightly annoyed that he took my phone.

"No problem, just didn't expect you to be a sushi kinda girl." he joked.

I stared at him and then responded.

"Sushi is my favorite food. It always make my day better." I told him not meaning to act so happy.

He nodded his head and grabbed my phone off the booth. He handed me my phone then gave me slight smile. 

"Don't scroll on it all the time or I'll collect it and the beginning of the day and give it back and the end." he said with a serious look on his face.

"Yes sir." I responded then went back to my sushi.


We walked back into his office and I grabbed my laptop off the shelf. I logged in and started going through suggestions for new products to give a review on when I seen it was already done. 

"Mr. patterson, reviews have already been done today?" I asked him

"Yes I completed them earlier," He answered.

I was surpised. He hired me to do this as my job why was he doing it? I went to view the companies stocks. Already done. I thought maybe he didn't calculate the profit for this week. Nope he has already done it. 

"Did you do all my work?" I asked him.

"Yeah you said you weren't gonna be back until tomorrow so I went ahead and caught you up." he responded.

"Well thank you but what am I supposed to do now?" I asked him.

"Write me a report, then make a presentation on the report, and finally write a script for the presentation. The report needs to be on this months stocks. I have a meeting in two days on it." he damanded.

"Yes sir." I said and immeditately got to work.

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