Annalynn Mask (Backstory)

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Before this chapter starts I would like to address three things. First this chapter will be wrote in third person unlike all the other chapters which are told in first person. Second this is my very first story so if you are reading this thank you for reading this far please keep reading i promise it gets better. And third trigger warning for abuse and SA please don't read this if you are triggered easily by abuse. Now I'll let you continue the story!!


Annalynn was born in a family of two other sisters and one brother. Her father was always away for business and work. Her mother was a drug addict and an alcoholic. 

When Annalynn was three her very first incident occur with her oldest sister Caitlin. Annalynn was playing with a stray kitten outside of her home. Caitlin wanted to play with the kitten but Annalynn wouldn't let her. Caitlin went and told their mother about the stray kitty. Their mother came outside with a bb-gun and tried to shoot the cat. However, she missed the cat and shot Annalynn in the arm. Annalynn started crying (obviously) from the pain. her mother did not care and wanted her to stop crying. Her mother took the bb-gun and hit her in the head yelling at her to be quiet.

Annalynn was always targeted by caitlin ever since that day. Everytime Caitlin would do something she wasn't supposed to she blamed Annalynn. She would then get into trouble and get hit really bad that she would bleed and have brusises. Annalynn would then get grounded and never be able to do anything she wanted.

The kids mother (Lorraine) would drink and smoke all day to the point she was not in her right mind. Lorraine got so annoyed that Annalynn kept getting into trouble she would randomly hit her and scream and her for no reason. 

Annalynn's other siblings, Janelle and Zayden were "brainwashed" by Caitlin to hate Annalynn. They would tease her and make fun of her all the time. They eventually told their friends at school and Annalynn would get bullied everytime she was alone with other kids when a teacher wasn't around. She tried going to the principal but she was out numbered and got dentention for lying. Her sisters then threatened her that if she ever tried to tell anyone again they would beat her so badly she wouldn't be the same again. However, all three of her siblings told her mother and Lorraine went into her room and hit her over the head with a beer bottle. She kept hitting her and kicking her until she got tired. Annalynn was very bruised all the time. 

Because of all the abuse, bruises, and threats she had to wear makeup so no one would notice. Annalynn never talked and when she did it was over the phone with her aunt Rose. 

One day while Annalynn was walking to the store for groceries, her sister Caitlin pulled her off to the side in the woods. 

"What are you doing?" Annalynn asked Caitlin in distress.

Caitlin hit her over the head with a tree branch knocking her out cold. Caitlin dragged her to an old house in the woods. She tied Annalynn to an old bed and turned around to a friend of hers. Caitlin held her hands out waiting to recieve something as her friend reached in his pocket and pull out cash. He handed her the cash and Caitlin started to leave the house. 

She turned around to the guy and stated, "Don't forget to have her home after 8 p.m. or you owe me 25 more." He looked at Annalyn and smiled. "I'll have my fun then you can have yours I promise." He responded. "You better Mathias, You better" Caitlin responded. 

She turned around and left the house going to finish getting the groceries. 

Mathias turned to Annalynn and smiled again. He went outside the bedroom and grabbed a chair. He brought the chair back into the bedroom and sat it down next to the head of the bed. He sat down on the chair and started playing with annalynn's hair. After a few minutes Annalynn woke up. She was extremely scared she started screaming.


TW: SA Skip three paragraphs and you'll be good if you don't wanna read it!

Mathias put his hand over her mouth and told her if she didn't stop screaming he would play with her even longer. Annalynn was confused and very scared. Mathias took Annalynn's hair in his hand and pulled in. A few strands ripping out. "If you scream or say a word about this I will end your life." Mathias threatened her. Annalynn started to cry as she knew was going to happen to her. Mathias chuckled and her agonyas he walked the end of the bed. He pulled her pants off and stared and her underwear. He slowly moved his fingers up the line of her vagina as she kicked him in the face. He got very mad and found rope in the corner of the room and tied her feet to the posts of the bed. "Don't fight it or I'll only make it worse. I've wanted to fuck you since the day I saw you. I'm gonna get what I want I paid for this." He said aggresive at very and slowly got more creepy. He took a knife and cut off the rest of her clothes. 

Mathias stood there, knife in hand, staring at Annalynn's body. He got a boner as he slowly ran the knife over her skin making her bleed. "You've got plenty of bruises getting cut and bit shouldn't hurt as bad." He said with excitement in his voice. He carved a heart into her thigh as she whimpered in pain. He threw the knife on the floor as he rushed to take his clothes off. "I can't wait to fuck you! Ugh! It's gonna feel so good." Mathias said as he climbed on the bed. 

Mathias bit her neck leaving a hickey and then hit her making her cry out in pain. He moved down her body to her pussy. He smiled and inserted his dick in her moaning in pleasure. He didn't start slow. He rapidly threw himself in her over and over going faster and harder each time. Annalynn, never having sex, was bleeding and crying from the roughness he was putting into her. He was over the moon finally being able to rail her. He knew she would never want to see him again so he spent 3 hours of the day fucking her and doing all the things he wanted to her. Eventually he got tired of her crying he untied her and threw a new outfit at her. "I have to take you home now so hurry up bitch." he demanded her as he slammed the bedroom door. She slowly got changed not wanting to listen to him. As soon as she got done she busted the window of the old house and ran away from the house deeper into the woods.


TW suicidal thoughts skip the next paragraph.

Annalynn ran far into the woods and hid behind a tree. She started crying again. She tried to stay as silent as possible knowing Mathias would be after her. She was alone with her own thoughts as she let them go deep into a rabbit hole *What's the point of staying on this Earth if no one but my aunt loves me. Rose doesn't even know me that well I've never met her. She shouldn't miss me that bad. As soon as I have the opportunity to kill myself  I will no one is gonna miss me. My aunt won't know.* Annalynn grabbed a stick and started sharpening it on a rock. She got it sharp enough to cut herself. She drew lines all over her arms and legs. Annalynn was extremely tired and wanted to go back to her house.

Annalynn spent an hour an a half walking back home. She walked through the door and went to her room and threw on sweat pants and a hoodie. Lorraine busted through the door screaming at Annalynn for coming home later than she was supposed to. Lorraine took Annalynn by the hair and threw her against the wall. Lorraine beat her for thirty minutes and then left her alone. Annalynn cried again and ended up crying herself to sleep on the floor. 

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