Life Of Luxury

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Shouto POV:

"Hah? Prada? No way! That was so last season, and you're talking about a celebrity hero here, lady. Listen, by the time my client and I arrive at your store, you better bring out nothing less than Dior. Shouto deserves to be dressed in the best. Got it?" Lani nagged on the phone.

She sat next to me in the Uber and I couldn't stop watching the way her crossed leg continued to tap lazily next to mine. be honest, I really couldn't stop looking. She was wearing another tight skirt, and her legs were bare, and....her high heels looked nice on her. And...

I really couldn't stop looking at her in general. Because, just watching her now while she works, I was...surprised at how different she acted in public. I mean, it shouldn't be that surprising. After the first few times I met her, I realized she had a lot of different sides to her that she used for different situations.

And, um...well, I still don't completely understand the concept. Maybe she has a disorder I don't know about. Like the one where people forget who they are. That's......well, I think that's a disorder, right? If so, I think that would explain a lot about Lani.

But, I guess I'm surprised because these differences within her personality become so much more noticeable with each day we spend together. Her and I, we spend a lot of time alone. And...she treats me a lot different than how she treats other people.

She didn't even give me the time of day as she continued arguing with the woman on the phone—um, the woman who owns the store I believe we're going to now. At the same time, she had her laptop on her lap, and it was satisfying how quickly her black painted nails danced along the keys. I wasn't sure what she was even typing, but I could watch it for a long time.

She had her big black sunglasses on—the same ones she wore the day I first met her, and also the red lipstick that compliments the silvery piercing on her mouth so well. Her lips pursed and she blew a big bubble with the gum in her mouth, quirking a brow of annoyance to the woman on the phone.

The bubble immediately popped and Lani slouched in her chair now, snapping at the Uber driver to...I don't know? Drive faster? Is she unable to speak properly? Maybe she does have a disorder. She should see a doctor about that.

She scoffed at the chatter on the phone, immediately cutting the woman off, "Nuh-uh, uh. You can stop right there. This is the hero commission you're talking to, sweetheart. Make time for this. My client and I will be there in five." She said, immediately tapping the 'end call' button on her phone.

I raised my brows and watched as she tossed her phone to the side, typing faster on her laptop now. Aside from the keyboard tapping, the car was silent. And, while I usually like silence from other people, I find myself feeling....I don't know....impatient (?) that Lani's attention was elsewhere.

I leaned in and watched her more closely now as she continued to type, hoping that she'd look over and see me so close, but she still didn't.

"Can I ask you a question?" I finally found my words, watching her jump a bit when she registered my voice directly next to her face.

She looked at me with quick surprise before snorting in amusement, turning back to her laptop and typing again as she uttered a small, "Shoot."

"Shoot...who?" I asked a bit bewildered.

"Yes, you can ask me a question." She rephrased her sentence casually, continuing to work intensely.

"Do you have a disorder?" The words translated directly from my brain, and now I'm wondering if Midoriya would think that was 'rude.'

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