Fortunate one

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The talons of birds jangled from the spot in which they pierced her ears and swayed as a cold wind swept into the cave and brushed through her long hair.

She quieted their chimes and scanned the gaping mouth for any sign of movement. But nothing but the steady drips of groundwater splashed against the cave floor.

Another breeze soon swarmed in like a tumbling tide, bringing a chill over her bones and riddled her exposed flesh in goosebumps.

Winter would be coming.

She could sense it in the atmosphere, that chill that crept in, making her body desperate for warmth. It was faint on the wind, but she could taste it whenever she drew in a breath and felt the air stir on her tongue.

How could she leave before the branches became bare and snow fell from the sky?

No one would let her.

Not even nature seemed to permit it.

Annoyance irked her restless spirit, but she waited, unwilling to move until she was sure no one would come for her.

The entrance to the cave showed no shadow, yet a strange feeling fluttered in her chest. A feeling of excitement, fear, and anticipation. Was it because she was waiting for him or because the mere thought of springing to action made her body hum with adrenaline?

She was not sure and hoped it was the latter.

Minutes passed, but felt like hours, and she was starting to believe he was not coming. It struck a chord of disappointment and joy within her and she moved forward to exit the cave. However, in the last second, a silhouette approached, causing her to retreat back inside.

With it came the sound of firm steps and the low whistle of an unfamiliar tune. A haunting one that sang of his lack of worry.

He was taunting her.

A man tall in stature with broad shoulders and slim hips stood at the very opening.

He waited for a moment, peering at the cave before he lowered his head and back to enter. It would have been comical to see a man of his size fit through the mouth, if he had not moved so gracefully.

It was strange to watch him stalk into the cave wielding the confidence of an experienced hunter. He finely resembled a predator whose one desire was to catch his prey and satisfy his own hunger.

She couldn't help but watch him with growing curiosity. He moved in an entrancing way and had an aura that was unfamiliar. Not able to be clearly read or felt.

Kotve had tested her, first trying to bait her out of hiding. He had heard of her fiery temper and thought she'd charge at him, but she remained inside.

At first it seemed like nothing stirred within the darkness of the cave, but then with a deep inhale, he caught her lingering scent on the wind and heard the soft chimes of her jewelry.

The evening winds as if knowing what was to come, encouraged him in.

When he entered the cave, her presence became more evident. Her energy was released in short bouts of restlessness and uncertainty had grown heavy in the air. Whether she knew it or not, he had her trapped there and only closed the distance slowly. His every step was quiet and calmly calculated.

Unable to see, he relied on nothing but his intuition and sharpened instincts.

With nothing but the shallow glow of the moon outside, Navati, herself, blended perfectly in the dark. She hid her body, wanting to become part of the shadows themselves to slip away from this man. But as she felt him draw closer, her instincts told her that she could not run from him.

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