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Summer doused them in heat and the air was dense and sweet with the smell of pine and the fragrance of wildflowers.

The trees were full of leaves that would provide much needed shade and the grass of the plains had grown long and green. Everything was in place. The birds sang their usual song and the deer feasted with the bison. The rivers sparkled, but ran shallow, waiting for the rainy season to come and fill them until they overflowed.

Peace was evident in the way the nature around them remained in harmony. There was never a lack of resources and not a single mouth went unfed.

But another would be added.

Tucked away in the comfort of their cool cave, Navati's fingers clung to rock and stone. Her eyes had squeezed shut, blinking away the sweat that dripped from her forehead and coated her tan skin. She screamed in agony, gripping onto the cave wall for support and begged for it to provide her with relief from the pain that scorched down from belly to her shaking thighs.

Pata stood next to her, waiting after setting soft blankets down beneath her. She encouraged her, telling her to breathe, and to "biyahi," which was to push. But Navati felt intense pressure and pain grow increasingly stronger with every second.

She shook her head and screamed again, her legs trembling violently. Then she pushed a final time after squatting there for hours, until something broke free from her. The weight she had carried was now gone and lifted. Forgetting her pain, she opened her eyes to stare down at the bloodied body of the newborn. Her baby let out a shrill scream of protest, loud and strong, causing her to laugh in relief.

Quickly, she bent and captured the baby into her arms and held its bare body against her chest. It was a boy. An angry, but strong little one who curled his tiny hands into tight fists. He screamed and screamed, but his angry cries softened as she kissed his head, taking in his soft and sweet scent. She closed her eyes tiredly, keeping him close. "Agayeu (my love)."

Then a thought came over her and she looked back down at her blinking baby, "I must name you.." She let her finger brush his little cheek and nudged his tiny hand. He took hold of her finger, gripping it and she smiled. "Taopi." He'd carry a few letters of her fathers name and half of the name of Kotve's father. It was perfect.

Pata ensured she had not torn and would not need any stitching, but advised her to rest and allow her body to heal. She'd need to regain the nutrients she had lost and let her body return to normal after the strenuous birth.

Men were not allowed in during the process, but now that the baby had been born, she couldn't wait for Kotve to see what they had made.

When he was able to enter, he at first stilled at the mouth of the cave, unsure of what he would come to see, but approached quietly. Moving with the same grace he had when they first met, but this time she did not attack him. Instead, she lay silent and glowing, her skin glistening with sweat, but a smile was on her face.

She had so much fondness in her eyes that he almost didn't recognize her as the same little flame that was quick to light with anger. It was when she saw him that her eyes grew brighter and joyous, calling him to her side. Finally, he could see the change in her. From young to mature. She was entirely woman, now a mother and radiated a warmth that could only come from those who birthed new life.

His eyes lowered as he drew closer and zeroed in on the small bundle she kept cradled in her arms. His heart was near to bursting when he saw him. His son was beautiful and small, fragile and soft. He had a head already full of hair and from the way he gripped his mothers finger, he knew he had her will and her fire had been passed onto him. He stirred, tiny mouth yawning and exposing only pink gums.

"Look at him," Navati said ever so softly but proudly and beamed, wanting to lift their child and show the world what had been born onto her. "Kotve," She said his name, almost not believing that this was all real. Just several months ago she had been found by him in the snow and they had taken their revenge. But now, her anger was nowhere to be found and her whole heart and focus went to their child. "Isn't he beautiful?"

Kotve was at a loss for words, unable to express the tidal wave of emotions that overcame him. He could only stare down at their newborn child. He processed his arrival and soon gently kissed his child's soft head. "He is, you've done well," He turned then to his wife and kissed her, pleased and proud that she had endured so much and still gave him all that she could.

He was perfect and healthy and that was all they could have asked for.

When Navati raised him up for him to hold, Kotve at first was confused and hesitant, but he took him from her and almost fell apart when he felt the little one curl into him for warmth. He was so very small. He had never gotten to hold a baby before, but did as Navati directed until his son was cradled in his arms and he was granted full view of his small face and opening eyes.

"His name will be Taopi, named after both your father and mine," She declared after awhile as if she just remembered to tell him and there was no way for him to not agree. It was a great name, for their great son.

"Taopi," He murmured and held their baby close. He smelled like his mother and of milk and sweet dew. And when his little eyes stared up at him, he knew then what it felt like to be a father. He'd give anything to raise him up right and to protect him. To teach him all about the world, the dangers, the joys, and eventually love.

Navati laid back, watching them with a heart that overflowed. A heart that found another feeling beyond burning.

Together, they'd love and raise him, and he'd be cleansed by the stream nearby. That same stream would be there for him to splash in and eventually for him to fish from. The land would welcome their new child with open arms, providing and nurturing him and watching him grow.

This would be his home.


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