Rusted Cages

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Upon their arrival to the coastal town, Kotve hadn't expected to see so many people and great ships that bobbed along the ocean. The sea breeze wafted over them, flooding the air with the aroma of fish, smoke, and salt. It had taken them almost a week to arrive and as they passed through, many had exchanged strange looks and whispers when they saw him and his tribesmen riding alongside Jack's wagon.

They settled in soon enough and stayed at one of the small inns until they could start up business. It took them less than a day to sell off the cow and another to sell some of the other goods. But selling Jack's plans were proving to be more difficult. Even with his charisma and experience with trade, he couldn't get anyone to ponder on his plan long enough to believe and buy into it. Let alone pay for it.

No fool would fall for a hypothetical place full of oil and gold.

Jack flew into a blind fury by the next week and deemed Kotve useless. He hated that the women flocked towards him and the men wanted to share stories with him. Kotve quickly became the center of attention and the talk of the small town. They asked him many questions and in turn listened to his sales pitches. Soon, most of the goods had been sold off and they earned a higher price. Kotve hoped it would calm Jack and they could return to the ranch, but it made him only angrier.

Nathan seemed to look anxious during their stay and kept to himself, always watching and waiting.

Tonight, he particularly looked like he was about to run when Jack burst into a fit of rage and drew his pistol. Faster than any of them could move, he fired off a round, but missed Kotve by a mere inch. His tribesmen rushed to his aide, causing a fierce struggle.

Upon hearing the ruckus, townsmen came rushing in and caught sight of one of his tribesmen prying the gun free from Jack, resulting in him being shot on sight.

Adrenaline surged through Kotve's veins and a fight broke out between his tribesmen and the townsfolk, regardless of the reputation he had built, it all collapsed when it came down to sheer violence. They only saw them as animals in the end. He shoved through, trying to find Jack, but the blonde man had pulled free from the crowd and escaped through the back door.

He found an injured Rosho nearly being trampled on his way to the front and quickly helped him through the crowd and went past the swinging doors only to find Jack had already left by then on the wagon.

One hand went to his hair and he panted before he was suddenly tackled down by one of the lawmen, losing balance and Rosho yelled in pain as he fell back to the ground. Kotve wrestled against them, making the mistake of punching one of the men to break free only to then hear the cocking of pistols. He looked up to find he was surrounded and his men had been cuffed and shoved, while Nathan watched from a distance.

He looked at him, scowling and spat as he was forced up and towed off to the sheriffs office. They each were pushed into cells, waiting side by side to get out.

"If it's money you want, we can pay bail." Kotve tried, but they wouldn't listen.

"We should have never trusted them," Orechi said through clenched teeth and tried to force his wrists free, but the cuffs only rattled. Rosho, who had been shot in his side, was barely hanging on. Blood dripped from his waist and ran across the cell floor. He was pale and leaned against the wall, while Ateck and Hescen banged against the bars.

It had all went to downhill.

The lawmen ignored their protests and the five of them tried to think of a way out. Orechi looked the most concerned and gazed at Kotve, "The women, the children. Jack's gonna go back."

It was then that Kotve's blood ran cold and he placed his elbows upon his knees and leaned forward, covering his face with his hands. His wife..Jack always had been fascinated by her. He didn't want to imagine what he would do to her and knew he'd have to find a way to get them all out and soon.


Half of the day passed and nightfall fell. The men were anxious and paced. They waited for their leader to tell them how to get out, but Kotve did not know.

By some miracle, a man at last stepped up to their cells and hesitated before opening the doors and using one of the many bronze keys to undo their cuffs.

"You're in a lot of luck boys. A man has offered to bail you all out. You're free to go." They looked at each other in confusion, but eagerly left the cell and stepped out into the night to find a familiar young man waiting.

Nathan heard their footsteps and glanced at them, then placed his hands out in front of him. "I thought Jack had been joking, I didn't know he'd take it this far. If you leave now, you can still be less than a day behind him." He looked to a collapsed Rosho next and offered to stay and get him to a doctor.

They didn't have time to spare and Kotve could only agree and called for his horse. The others did the same and once they appeared, they mounted, and rode off, pushing their horses to catch up to Jack.

He sent silent pleads, praying for them to make it in time.

If anything happened to her, he'd burn the whole world down himself.


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