01. Imprint.

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" Nami- Nami- Nami-" I could hear my best friend, Sakura, calling my name. I raised my head from my desk, turning to her, "What happened Kura? Can't you see I'm tired. Class hasn't started yet," I murmured. "Ya-Ya Whatever Nami, Stop staying up and maybe you won't be tired," she rolled her eyes and then added, "Anyways, I heard they're new students in our year."

"You really woke me up for that?" I said annoyed and placed my head back on the table.

"You didn't let me finish dummy- Anyways back to what i was saying. Its 9 boys. Apparently they are brothers. But I heard they look nothing alike."

" You heard? Sakura, those are probably just rumors, maybe they are brothers. Anyways go on,"I said with my head on my table still.

"Ok so apparently, 3 out of the 9 boys are gonna be in our class."

"Who told you this?" I asked, lifting my head. Sakura paused for awhile thinking if she should say who. " Well..." "Well? what Kura?"

" President Huening Hiyyih and Uhh- Tori Kira"

" I'll believe President Hiyyih but Tori Kira- Nuh Uh. That rat is a liar."

" Yeah- I know. But we can trust. President Hiyyih."

I nodded and placed my head on the table, "I guess." Then the bell rang.

Uhhh- Why me..

I lifted my head and Sakura adjusted herself to look at the board. "First things first, Good Morning students. Hope you had a good weekend. Hope you all rested well," our home room teacher picked up papers from his desk. " We have a few announcements -" I lifted my eyebrow, " First, We have 3 new students that will be joining us for the rest of the semester." Two brown haired boys walked in smiling at everyone. Then came another, he had blond hair. He was walking with his face looking to the ground. I couldn't really see if he was mad, sad, or happy to be here.

"Please introduce yourself to gentle men."

"Okie!" One of the dark haired boys said, "Im Euijoo, Byun Euijoo. But please, call me EJ. I hope we can be friends." He bowed still looking at everyone, smiling. Cute

"Hello! I'm Yudai Koga or K, whatever you would like to call me," he bowed, "Let's be friends."

The 2 dark haired boys smiled and looked at the blond haired boy waiting for him to introduce himself. I looked at the boy as he raised his head. He had sharp facial features, sharper than the 2 other boys. The boy looked at me, he had no emotion, it was like he was gone. Just gone. Kinda freaked me out, I looked down scared he would eat me with his stare.


Darkness, me and her staring into each other's eyes while the world got dark, that's how it felt to imprint. Only me and her in the world of darkness. I could smell her lavender scent. I smiled as she looked away from me and looked at the ground.

"Hello," I said, "I'm Wang Yixiang. But I would like to be called Nicholas. I hope we can get along."

"Ok boys you can sit- Is it ok if I separate you guys?" Our new Homeroom teacher asked us.

"its fine Mr. Nizumaki we will be happy wherever," EJ smiled.

"Hmm- Ok, Nicholas and EJ you can sit behind Ms. Aoki and Ms. Miyawaki. Miyawaki, Aoki raise your hands."

The girl...

She raised her hand slowly, while still looking down.

I think I scared her...

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