Chapter One

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I bite my lip, chewing it nervously as I sat at my desk, on my row. Professor Carey was just starting his new lecture on psychology. I look around the room, noticing it all, waiting; till I see her. She walks into the room and up to P.Carey. They talked for a moment as she handed him her slip to join the class. He smiled and shook her hand. While she headed back up to the desks, he spoke into the speaker" Class I want you to Please welcome my newest student, Lilith McRoth. She's twenty two and just moved here from Rhode Island! Lilith I hope you enjoy it here." The class greater her warmly as she walked... Towards me! My heart raced faster. Lilith... It suits her well.
She brushed passed me, sitting in the empty desk beside me. My heart was beating so fast I'm sure I could see my chest pound. She looked over at me and smiled, but she had the look in her eyes like before. It drove me wild. I smiled back, a wave of self consciousness beating over me. " h-hello Miss Lilith" I said, then blushing deeply as I realized what I said. " I'm so sorry.. Hello Lilith. I hope you enjoy it here" I said blushing deeply, even deeper so as I brushed her hand over my cheek and neck softly. She leaned over and whispered" meet me outside when schools out. Find a cleaner shirt, or at least put on cologne. I want you to smell fresh." I nodded at her " oh," she said" and until further notice call my ma'am for now." I nodded again" y-yes ma'am. " my submissiveness my screaming for joy as I turned to face the professor. I smiled a little thinking, my life was about to become much more exciting.

Alright what do you guys think! Sorry if it's short. Let me know your thoughts! PM me or comment with questions! Thank you!!!!

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