Chapter 10

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Three months. 

It's Been Three months since that goodbye. The life I once adored, Now lay in tattered pieces among my memories. Nothing can replace it. 
Her. Nothing can replace her. 

It's amazing how a single moment in time can seem to destroy the world you know, Pushing you through a mirror where nothing is right and everything is askew. Class hasn't been the same since. I've barely been passing my classes. Not much need to study when You've got no real reason to go on. She was my everything. She was my world...

I've seen her in the halls, Talking to her friends. Laughing, Smiling. That smile that used to make my heart sore and my anxieties melt. Now a painstaking reminder of what was so viciously torn away from me. My heart sunk when she looked at me... No. Not at me. Through me. Like I wasn't there.

" You're so much more than just a Slave, Jack."

Her words Echo in my head, ghosts of my past. How can I be more than a slave when That is what she trained me to be? I was Nothing before her! Just another Mindless sheep in the herd; wandering meekly among the rest of humanity. My life was going nowhere. She showed me a light. She showed me that I can be more than what I was. And now that's gone.

I trudged back to my dorm. Rain slowly began to turn the sidewalk dark grey. The clouds in the sky, an indefinite swirl of Grey and white. "I love the rain." I said out loud, but to no one in particular. 

" I do too." 
A familiar voice filled my ears; My thoughts. My heart raced and the world came to a stop as I turned around. There, Standing just a few steps away was Lilith. My heart began to pound faster as I bit onto my lip, quickly looking away. 

"Oh. Hey..." The pain still prominent in my voice. I looked at my boots, watching the rain bounce off of the leather. I heard her take a step closer, Before I felt her hand on my shoulder. I felt the anger start to writhe in my stomach. I quickly jerked my shoulder away and stepped back. 

" What do you want?!"

She jumped, the look on her face was that of hurt. I heard her sigh before she spoke. " One of the Teachers approached me today. She said that your grades had fell considerably low in the recent months. She knew we were close and wanted to make sure you were alright. I told her I would ask."

I groaned and shook my head. Gritting my teeth. ""It all came to this huh?""

"Well, you know what? I'm not okay. I'm not making it. I'm hurt. Every damn day I wake up is another struggle. Why the hell would I be okay? Nothing is worth it anymore." I turned around and started heading back to my dorm, My eyes starting to sting. 

" Jack.. please. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I just needed some time away." 

I stopped, dead in my tracks.

" Sorry? You're sorry? Sorry Doesn't change the hurt. Sorry doesn't fix the heartbreak. Sorry doesn't fix all the times you refused to even acknowledge my existence. SORRY, DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT EVERY FUCKING DAY I WOKE UP, HOPING SOMETHING WOULD BE DIFFERENT, ONLY FOR YOU TO IGNORE ME MORE AND MORE." I shouted, tears now streaking down my cheeks. " Sorry, won't make me hate myself any less every time I pass a mirror. You said I was more than a slave. I guess you were right. I'm nothing. How can I not be? Slaves have a purpose. I don't. You taught me everything I knew that made life worth it just to rip it all away from me. It hurts. It hurts so fucking badly." I Dropped to my knees, clutching my arms around my stomach. My lip and chin trembled as tears blurred my vision, my face now wet with a mixture of rain and tears. A loud sob escaped my lips as I hunched over. I heard the slap of her her shoes before the feeling of her arms wrapped over my shoulders. 

"I-I tried so hard to move on. I tried to do as you said. But when all I see is a mistake, every time I see myself, I can barely get out of bed." My voice broke as I sobbed. 

I felt her arms reach under mine, pulling me up from the ground. " Jack... I know I cannot ever change what I've done. But i'm going to get you back to your dorm. And if you're willing, I would like to talk to you. Please."

I looked up into her eyes, taking a deep breath before nodding. "Alright."

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