Just Hang In There.....(TodoDeku Platonic) (Villain Aizawa AU)

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Summary: When Izuku suddenly passes out on the way to class, it is up to Shoto to get him to the hospital fast, and figure out what's wrong. But there's one problem...There's a traffic jam.

As Shoto Todoroki made his way through the bustling halls of UA, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. It wasn't the usual pre-exam jitters or butterflies in his stomach, but rather a strange feeling of foreboding. He hurried down the hall, his black-and-white uniform swishing behind him, his eyes darting left and right, searching for something, or rather, someone. His friend, Izuku Midoriya, had been acting strangely all morning, and now he was late for class. It was unlike Izuku to be this disorganized. Something was definitely wrong.As Shoto rounded the corner, he spotted Izuku slumped against a wall, looking pale and unwell. "I-Izuku?" he stammered, quickly kneeling beside his friend. Izuku didn't respond; he was unconscious. His breathing was shallow and ragged. Shoto's heart raced with fear. He knew he had to get Izuku to the hospital right away. But with the traffic jam outside, it seemed like an impossible task. Shoto glanced around desperately, searching for anyone who could help. "Hey, is there a nurse or someone here who could help me?" he called out, his voice cracking with worry. Several students gathered around, looking concerned, but no one seemed to know what to do. "We need to get him to the hospital," Shoto said, his voice firm and decisive. "Now." Without waiting for a response, Shoto carefully scooped Izuku into his arms, cradling his friend's limp form like a baby. He felt a sharp stab of pain in his chest as he realized just how helpless he felt in this situation. "I've got him," he muttered, trying to reassure himself as much as anyone else. "We'll figure this out." Ignoring the curious and concerned gazes of the students around him, Shoto began to make his way through the school, searching for a back exit or some other way out. The halls seemed to stretch on forever, but eventually he found a service door that led to a fire escape. It was a bit of a tight squeeze, but he managed to maneuver his way down the metal ladder with Izuku in his arms. Once they were outside, Shoto took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. The traffic jam was worse than he'd feared. Cars honked their horns and people shouted in frustration. He knew he couldn't carry Izuku all the way to the hospital like this. He glanced around, searching for another option, and then his eyes fell on a familiar figure: Eraserhead, one of the League of Villains. He was sitting in his van, idly tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. "Eraserhead!" Shoto shouted, waving his arms frantically. The villain's head snapped up, surprise registering on his features for a moment before he recognized Shoto. His expression turned sly. "Well, well, look who it is. Todoroki, huh?" Shoto ignored the villain's taunt, his focus solely on getting Izuku to the hospital. "Eraserhead, I need your help. Izuku's not feeling well, and we can't get through the traffic jam. Please, you have to help us." He pleaded, his voice quivering with desperation. Eraserhead leaned out the window, his eyes narrowing as he studied Izuku's limp form in Shoto's arms. After a moment, he let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. "Fine. Get in." He grumbled, opening the side door of his van. Shoto hurriedly climbed inside, carefully setting Izuku down on the seat beside him. "Thanks," Shoto said breathlessly, his heart still racing. "I really appreciate this." Eraserhead shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't mention it. Now, tell me, what's wrong with him?" Shoto hesitated for a moment, unsure if he could trust Eraserhead with such sensitive information. But with Izuku's life on the line, he knew he didn't have much of a choice. "He's been acting strange all morning," he explained, carefully recounting the events that had led up to this point. "He collapsed just before class, and I found him like this." As he spoke, Eraserhead's eyes flickered over to Izuku, studying his pale face and shallow breathing. He nodded thoughtfully, as if considering something. "Alright, let's get you to the hospital," he muttered, starting up the van and pulling back onto the road. The ride to the hospital seemed to take forever, even though Shoto knew it was only a few minutes. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, a mixture of fear and anxiety coursing through his veins. He couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with Izuku, and if he was going to be okay. When they finally arrived at the hospital, Shoto practically leapt out of the van, sprinting toward the emergency room entrance. Eraserhead followed close behind, his long strides easily eating up the distance between them and the hospital. Once inside, Shoto practically threw himself at the nearest triage nurse."My friend isn't feeling well," he exclaimed, his voice breaking. "He collapsed back at school. We've been driving like crazy to get him here. Please, you have to help him." The nurse, a kind-looking woman with graying hair, immediately set aside the clipboard she'd been working on and took Shoto's arm gently. "Alright, come with me," she said, leading him to one of the examination rooms. "I'm going to need you to fill out some paperwork while we wait for the doctor." As Shoto sat down at the small desk, he glanced nervously over at Izuku, who lay on the examination table. His face was still pale, and his breathing was shallow. He couldn't help but feel helpless as he filled out the forms, trying his best to answer all the questions about Izuku's symptoms and medical history. Before long, a doctor came bustling in, a concerned expression on his face. "I understand you found your friend collapsed at school," he said, moving to examine Izuku. "Can you tell me what happened leading up to that?" Shoto quickly recounted the events as best he could, his voice trembling with worry. The doctor nodded, making notes on his clipboard as he listened. After a thorough examination, the doctor straightened up and turned to face them. "Well, it looks like Izuku here has a high fever. His vitals are a bit unstable, but we'll get that under control. We're going to admit him for further observation and some tests, just to be sure there's nothing serious going on." Izuku stirred at the sound of his name, mumbling something incoherent. Shoto's heart skipped a beat, but the doctor reassured him. "Don't worry, he's just a bit delirious from the fever. We'll have him feeling better in no time." The next few hours were a blur of tests and treatments for Izuku. He was given IV fluids to help rehydrate him and antibiotics to fight whatever infection was causing his fever. Shoto sat by his side, watching anxiously as the medical staff bustled around them. He couldn't help but feel guilty that he hadn't noticed anything was wrong with Izuku before he collapsed. As the day wore on, Izuku's fever began to break, and his color started to return. He drifted in and out of consciousness, murmuring incoherently about heroes and quirks. Shoto tried to comfort him, assuring him that everything was going to be alright. Finally, late into the evening, the doctor came by to check on them. "Izuku, you're doing much better," he said with a tired smile. "Your vitals are stable, and your fever is practically gone. We'll keep you here for one more night just to make sure there aren't any complications, but it looks like you're going to make a full recovery." Shoto let out a sigh of relief, leaning back in his chair. "That's great news, Doctor. Thank you so much for taking care of him." The doctor smiled reassuringly and patted Shoto's shoulder. "Don't mention it. I'm just glad we caught it when we did. It could have been a lot worse. Make sure you both get plenty of rest tonight, and we'll have him out of here first thing in the morning." With that, the doctor turned to leave, promising to check on them later. 

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