MHA Wisdom Teeth Scenarios Part 3

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Y'all asked for it so here it is! Part 3!!!!! I'll be adding in some pro heroes and villains in this part as well! 


So I found this video, and this is what our dear Shiggy would do.


(I'm using this name to avoid spoilers for anyone who hasn't read the manga or watched the anime!) 

Dabi would probably act all tough and pretend like the anesthesia didn't affect him much. He might crack a joke or two about feeling loopy, but he'd likely try to keep up his cool facade. Inside, though, he might feel a bit woozy and out of it, but he'd do his best to brush it off and get back to being his usual edgy self as soon as he could. 


Hawks would probably joke around a lot while feeling the effects of the anesthesia. He might make some silly comments or funny observations about the situation. He'd likely keep his cool attitude but also show a playful side, maybe even asking the dentist some curious questions in his usual witty style. Overall, he'd handle it with humor and a laid-back vibe, turning the experience into a lighthearted moment. Here are a few funny things Hawks might say while feeling the effects of anesthesia after getting his wisdom teeth out:

1. "Hey doc, are you sure you're not secretly training to be a magician? 'Cause I swear, my mouth feels like it's disappeared!"2. "You know, I always wanted to know what it's like to be a bird with numb beak. Mission accomplished, I guess!"3. "I feel like I could take on villains with my tongue tied behind my back. Who needs superpowers when you've got anesthesia?"4. "Is it just me, or does the room feel like it's doing cartwheels? Hope I don't start seeing unicorns next!"5. "Hey, can we have a wisdom teeth reunion? Mine are gone, but I bet they're off starting their own rebellion against dental floss."


Twice would probably have a totally wacky reaction to anesthesia after his wisdom teeth are out. He might start giggling uncontrollably or saying silly things like, "Whoa, I feel like I've got a whole squad of me in my mouth!" He might even try to mimic different voices or personalities, turning the whole experience into a goofy performance. Basically, it'd be a hilarious and chaotic scene, with Twice adding his unique brand of fun to the mix.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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