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The Itoshi name carries great legacy, failure and fumbles were not to be tolerated in this family of progidies. They were leaders, excelling at everything their hands graced upon. However, one common theme was prominent among them.


Kiyoshi Itoshi, born in 1977, had no interest in sports whatsoever initially. Sunken into the endless bottomless pit of poverty, he was assured to remain trapped in this lifestyle for as long as he lived. He was immensely poisoned by this notion since birth that it was almost irreversible now. He had no desire to at least attempt to slither his way out of it, he had already accepted his fate.

After all, the rich always win.

Each day was as meaningless and dull as the last, days blurring into each other the way the ink leaked onto a clean canvas, potent and permanent. A core memory of his was in elementary school when the teachers questioned them on their career choices. Many chorused the same answers and all Kiyoshi could do was look at them in disgust.

He found hapless dreaming a waste of time really, what use was there in wishing for a miracle that would never come to light? Illusions and dreams that would remain as just that and form into a seed of despair, envy and jealousy. Why burden yourself?

Kiyoshi found existing all together pointless. He didnt quite understand the concept. Work, work, work to feed the rich. The way people in his community praised the few that earned jobs as secretaries and such made him question if they're minds were simply wired like animals.

And of course the male found comfort in his thinking. For him, having a clear vision of what he was and who he was to become made him think that all forms disappointment were impossible.

Yet something more bitter grew inside of him. Instead he grew hollow and empty, like a mindless zombie with no clue of where it's headed.

However this all changed when he came across football, a sport he once despised with every fiber in his body.

It was a mundane Thursday afternoon, school had just come to an end and most middle school students were with their friends, making memories that would be held dear to their hearts for a while. Kiyoshi rolled his eyes when he eavesdropped on the conversations that consisted of natural childish planning. Karaoke, arcades, it all disgusted him.

The male trudged through his usual route, the sky dotted with pinkish white clouds slowly transcending into that of utter darkness. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and regretted staying at school to assist a teacher. It's not as though he did it out of courtesy though. Nothing the male did was to serve others. He possessed this ego in him that forbade that.

He reached a fork in the road, his way home on the right. That's all he had to do, turn right and head back home, sleep and relive another meaningless day. It's simple.

That is when the reality of his life dawned upon him, squeezing at his heart so much that it felt suffocating almost. He was nothing. Dead parents, uncaring guardians, fighting the brink of starvation each day, no passion for nothing, all these things made up the composition of his life. He always judges those ambitions, but is he really any better?

Kiyoshi didnt know the answer to that.

What would happen if he simply made another turn? What would happen if he just made a selfish choice for once?

This feeling was so compelling, it as though he had been possessed. That's how odd this dilemma was. The male had no desire whatsoever to live beyond the life that had been decided for him upon birth. So what on earth was causing this?

Perhaps it was the realization that his life was being wasted. He was going to be in high school for God's sake, he should at least be somewhat concerned about his future. But when you've been conditioned to think that your life is just an endless wasteland, what were you supposed to think?

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