why did I lie about drinking?

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When you are terrified or even afraid to speak the truth because of how your life was.you tend to go silent when in trouble or something bad you think will happen if you say something.in my mind I am always thinking the worse will happen if I express my feelings and or my thoughts.and then I shut myself in to myself and not come to someone when I need to or even want to for that matter.if I was living with any of my family members I couldn't come to them at all depending on who it was that I came to and depending on what I was saying or asking for that matter in fact.but I was always taken wrong so i tend not to say nothing if i feel like something bad will happen or someone will start yelling or screaming at me or worse hitting me in my head or some where else on my skin that bruises so easily that it hurts for more than a week and even bruises so much more than what it should be or even look like.and then at times I remember how it felt to not being able to move.and even cry myself to sleep so I try to cover up the truth on what I don't want any one to know what i have done nor what i have said because i remember of how my family took things wrong when i knew i should not have done it to begin with.so I keep silent by hiding the truth and lieng thinking it will help which doesn't.

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