am I my sisters keeper?

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So in the Christian community,we are our sister's keeper.We are to care for one another,hold each other accountable, lift each other up, take joy when another one grows in the Lord.and press on together until the day of the Lord.but I am also a pagan which means I follow different things and do different things also.and A keeper has great qualities that makes them a worthy partner in a relationship.If a person is a keeper they do not exhibit unhealthy or toxic relationship traits. You can trust them with everything and they will always come through. Also.a keeper is genuinely interested in you and everything about you to help you much more better.Sisterhood is a bond that is built on love.Sisters may have their differences but they share a deep love and respect for each other.They are there to cheer each other celebrate each other's successes. and to lift each other up when they are feeling if you would like to know how to be a sisters keeper.Offer them a space to be listened to and validated in their feelings. Unless they specifically ask for your advice, let your sisters just speak their truth to you in a corner of the world where judgment is suspended. That could be the greatest gift you could ever give them.but do not rush them,pressure them,nor judge them.unless you would like to ruin your chance of becoming your sister and or friends keeper.i hope you learned something from this thanks for reading this!

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