Relapsing is real.

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Relapsing can happen to anyone anywhere any time any day and or any will never know when your poison of choice will sneak up on you in a blink of an eye without you either realizing it or not.but the real question is what does relapse mean?Relapse implies that someone has recovered from an illness and slid back into a worse state, like when you are getting over a cold but then you suddenly feel bad all over again. Unwanted behavior can also be described this way.if you find yourself biting your nails's a nail-biting relapse.addicts also will inevitably relapse.This figure however does not represent every person who has completed treatment. It is important to understand the high probability of relapse and learn the proper tools to maintain sobriety living. People call relapses by different names including an attack, episode, flare up or an exacerbation. Relapses can last anywhere between a few days, up to weeks or even months. In between relapses are periods of remission where you may have no symptoms, or your symptoms are relatively stable.People call relapses by different names including an attack, episode, flare up or an exacerbation. Relapses can last anywhere between a few days, up to weeks or even months. In between relapses are periods of remission where you may have no symptoms, or your symptoms are relatively stable.Relapsing, that is, giving in to withdrawal, is another way to avoid the fear of the unknown, namely life without your ex. It's your way of staving off the pain of acknowledging that the relationship is no longer viable. You are doing everything in your power to buy time now so you don't have to face the pain.

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