Am I A Butterfly?

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There has been times where I am like a rollercoaster and it was a horrible experience through each day I had them.some times I am happy some times I am sad and crying some times I am so angry with the world and the humans that is in it some times i am so loveable that every one wants me around them and other times i feel as if i am a ticking bomb about ready to explode at any point in time and be angry or extreme depressed where i feel soo numb and light that i cant bare to even be around myself so i rest for a while in my bed away from the world and the human kind itself.the fact of the matter that I have learned a lot through out my life.where it's controlling my anger or learning something new and try to remember it and not get frustrated with what ever it is.yes I can be difficult most days.i never said I was perfect in any ways of the sort.i am just glad I have a place to call home instead of the streets as my home.i am glad I learned how to cook instead of trying to eat something that is half cooked. I am grateful for a lot of things that no one seems to understand about me because I tend not to show my love or anything.i never truly had such love when growing up so it was complicated to understand as I got older but I am grateful for the life I have now and not where I used to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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