-- Sneaking Away --

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-- UZI --

Once I saw N leave, I hurried out my room to say hi to my parents. "Afternoon, dear!" Nori said, waving sweetly. I waved back. "Hey Mom and Dad. How was the meeting?" I asked. I hoped that N would be okay with J back at his pod. "Pretty good! I'm thinking about making the doors slightly stronger, or maybe expanding the colony building so there could be more houses for drones who need it." Khan said.

"Great. I'm just gonna go outside for a walk and I'll catch ya later. Cya!" I said, slipping between my parents and walking out the front door. I walked through the halls of the colony, admiring my surroundings as I stepped towards Door 1. When I turned right to a hallway, I immediately ran into something and fell down. "Oof! Sorry, sorry." Someone said in front of me. I opened my eyes and saw.. Thad? "Oh- hey, Uzi. Didn't think you'd be here!" He said, helping me up.

"Hi, Thad." I said. "Listen I really got to go, so if you'll excuse me.." I said, edging sideways to walk past him. "Oh, okay. See you later, then!" Thad said, letting me through. I could see him wave at me from the corner of my screen. I kind of felt bad, leaving him like that. But I really needed to go somewhere. Somewhere peaceful.

I had this little camp set up deep in the forest, which I made one day during a school recess. I remember walking through the woods and seeing the nice little clearing, so it was now my place to go when I felt like screaming my head off, or just relaxing there. I pushed my way through the dense bushes that I planted to hide the camp and found it really quickly. It was just like I left it.

There was a hut with the front wall being instead a opening with some curtains covering it. I pushed my way through them and went to sit down on a little beanbag I set down. "I think N would like this place." I muttered, looking around. It would be a perfect meeting area, and it wasn't too far from both the colony building and the pod.

I  tapped my necklace's pendant and opened the chat bubble I had with N. "Hey N! How ya doing? I have this really cool place that we could probably meet at; I have no idea why I haven't thought of it before." I said. I took a little recording of the camp and where to find it. When I sent the message, a reply soon occurred. "That's really cool, Uzi! I'm doing good by the way. Can you believe that J just wanted to protect me? Like it sounds crazy. J. Trying to keep me away from you cause she's protective. I think it's cute, but I don't believe she has a crush on me. I'll be heading there soon!"

The message surprised me. I replied: "See you there! And I am pretty surprised about that. Love you, N!" I sent. I realized what I just said and stuttered, blushing. "I-I mean in a platonic way! Uh yeah, totally!" I said sheepishly, laughing drily. A text appeared back. "Well if that's how you'd like it, then love you too! :)" N replied. I wanted to squeal.

Well, I better wait for him to arrive.

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