-- Confession --

89 1 6

-- N --

I was walking through the forest, using nothing but my sense of direction to guide me. Was the camp this way? Or.. that way? Uzi mentioned a thick bush wall. Maybe I should find that. As soon as I thought about it, I could see it in the distance, and I excitedly ran towards it. I thought about the recent conversation I had with her. She 'platonically' liked me, whatever that really meant. I hope she liked me the way I do. 

Uzi saw me trying to get past the thick bramble bushes without getting caught, and helped me get through. "Good afternoon, N. It's pleasant to see you!" She said, smiling at me. I wanted to take that little, cute smile and store it in my memory so whenever I feel sad I can just think of it. "Hey, Uzi. It's good to see you too." I said, smiling back.

"Follow me." She said, walking forward. I followed and we soon found a clearing with a cute little cabin with curtains for a door, and a pond with cool water and some things in the water that she labeled as "fish". I looked confused, so she explained that Tessa once told her about the Earth fish so she built some waterproof mechanical versions and placed them in the pond.

"If you want to, you can join me inside." Uzi said, and went inside the cabin. I stayed outside and sat by the pond to watch the fishes swim around. My thoughts were mixed, ranging from "These fish are cute, this whole area is cute." to "Shouldn't I tell her? I really do. ARGH!"

I decided enough was enough, so I went inside. Uzi was sitting on a beanbag and sleeping comfortably. I didn't want to wake her, so I sat down and waited for her to wake up. When she did, she jumped at the sight of my presence. "Geez N, you scared me!" Uzi said, though she cracked a smile.

"Hey, Uzi. I kind of have something to tell you.." I said nervously. She tilted her head. "Well what is it N?" She said. Then she perked up as if remembering something. "Actually, I have something to tell you too. But it might be stupid, heh." She said, a lot more quietly. "Should we say it at the same time, then?" I asked.

"Okay, on the count of three." She said. We started counting.
"One! Two! Three!" We chanted. The next words we said I'll never forget.

"I really like you, N!"
"I love you, Uzi!"

Angsty and Wholesome 3: Just UsWhere stories live. Discover now