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Public displays of affection. Otherwise, and more commonly known as, PDA.

Some couples take it too far. Making out in the hallways, where no one wants to see them. Some couples avoid it altogether. However, there is a perfection to it. A certain Goldilocks particularity that very few couples strive to achieve. That perfect in between, that sweet spot. Holding hands at just the right times, not kissing for too long under the public eye.

But I can't afford that luxury. Not with my predicament. Not since the end of 6th year.

"Yes, go Sallow!"

"Woo, Slytherin!"

My thoughts were interrupted as the students around me cheered, and I looked up to what they were cheering at. When I saw what they were cheering for, a small grin appeared on my face. Sebastian Sallow, esteemed chaser of the Slytherin Quidditch team, was winning us points for the first game of the season as if the Hufflepuff team were not even there. I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled out another cheer. My hands warmed up my face just enough to distract me from the harsh cold.

"Go, Seb!"

Right before scoring a goal, Sebastian's head turned to look at me. He'd definitely heard me, because I used a nickname that no one else dared to call him. Ball in hand, he shot me a wide smile and a cheeky wink before throwing the quaffle into one of the hoops. The Hufflepuff keeper tried to launch herself towards it, but she ended up nearly falling off her broom instead. Roars erupted from the Slytherin side once more, and I joined in, jumping up and down.

The game went on not long after, as the Slytherin Seeker managed to get his hands on the snitch. We all cheered, though I knew that everyone knew Slytherin was bound to win. We were ahead by 50 points, and I could tell Hufflepuff was done with the game ages ago. I didn't have much time to feel bad for the rival house, as I rushed down towards the changing tents as the teams strode off the field.

I waited outside the room, watching as every Slytherin team member walked out but Sebastian.

"L/n. What on earth are you doing waiting out here?" A boy named Brutus Malfoy walked up to me as he left the tent. It was an understandable question, usually no one hangs out by the changing tents- the smell of sweat was a common turn off. I tried smiling politely at him, but my mouth formed the shape of a line instead.

"Window shopping." I said, trying to hide my sarcasm. Luckily, Malfoy just rolled his eyes at me and walked on by.

I got impatient after a few minutes and decided to waltz in there myself, everyone was on their way to get ready for the after party anyways. Malfoy was the last to leave, so I knew Sebastian would be alone in there. Still, I didn't want to see anything I wasn't supposed to. With a hand sheepishly covering my eyes, I slowly pushed the entrance curtain aside.

"Sebastian? Are you decent-"


The next thing I knew, I was lifted off the ground in a hug and spun around before I was plopped back down on the ground. After I finished squealing in surprise, I laughed and lightly punched a chuckling Sebastian in the shoulder.

"Hey, unfair! I was waiting for you for what seemed like ages, you know." I grumbled, crossing my arms. Sebastian's facial expression softened a bit when I turned my head away from him and he groaned.

"Oh, Y/n, I'm sorry, I only wanted to-"

Sebastian's apology was short lived, as I failed to stifle a giggle. His demeanor went back to normal, with a small smile playing at his lips as he pulled me into a hug.

"Haha, very funny." He said, quirking an eyebrow in amusement.

"Oh but I learned from the best." I teased, scrunching my nose at him as I smiled.

I pulled back from the hug so that he was holding my arms on either side. He only let out a "hmph" in reply before kissing me on the forehead.

"You're lucky you're so cute, otherwise I don't know what I'd do." He said, turning around to get his robes out of his hanger.

"Well lucky for me then." I smiled. However upon seeing Sebastian pull off his Quidditch uniform and expose his back to me, I gasped quietly. He chuckled and turned his head to look at me.

"What? Like what you see, darling?" I scoffed as he wiggled his eyebrows at me before turning back to change into his uniform. Turning around, I crossed my arms.

"No comment." I choked out, flustered. I was about to say something else as I heard Sebastian walking up towards me, likely done changing, but I heard a voice coming from outside the tent. I sighed.

"I think you have a fan waiting for you." I grumbled, turning around to face him. However he didn't look into my eyes, his gaze locked onto the tent's entrance and his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Yes." His brought his gaze back down to me, "Listen, I'll meet you in the common room after everyone's gone off to bed after tonight's party. I'll bring her away so you can sneak back out." He said, looking at me and cupping my face. I brought my hand up to touch his and nodded. He kissed my cheek, and my heart softened as I could see he had to bend down a bit to reach me. Then he walked towards the entrance curtain, pulling it back halfway before looking at me with a cheeky grin one last time.

"Good girl." He winked, and I had to refrain myself from scolding him as he walked out of the tent. I blushed furiously as I crept up to the curtain, watching him leave.

"Sebastian! Good job out there, you were amazing!"

"Thanks, Poppy, but I would've thought you'd be cheering for Hufflepuff."

I grimaced as I watched Sebastian escort her back towards the castle, and she happily trailed alongside him. Their conversation was unintelligible as they moved farther away from me. When they were out of sight, I sighed, finally stepping outside the tent.

Poppy Sweeting, a nice girl who loved animals, and treated everyone kindly. Whenever I see her, I feel a pang of jealousy. She's everything I wished to be. And worst of all, the reason I have to keep my relationship with Sebastian a secret.

Their families have promised them to each other.


A/N: Sorry that this one's a bit short. This is also an impulsive midnight book, I'm trying to have fun with it. I find that when I take a book too seriously I get overly critical and never publish any chapters, so this will hopefully be refreshing to write. Til next time~

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