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The photo will make sense when you read on ;) (okay the photo got lost just imagine it hehe)

The Charms classroom was usually a happy place for me. It was quite possibly my favorite subject to study in Hogwarts. The classroom smelled of wood and old books, a scent not many would appreciate. But I did. And Ronen was one of my favorite teachers, he never lacked energy when teaching. Charms was a fascinating subject in itself. And it taught me the most practical spells, ones I could regularly incorporate into my every day life.

Whenever I got bored, which was not often, I would read the different spells written on the sides of the walls. I would made up a checklist of which ones I'd been taught, and which ones the professor had yet to teach us. I ranked them from which ones I was most accustomed to casting, and which ones I preferred the most. There was always something entertaining to do in that class.

But since the start of seventh year, Charms was one of my least favorite classes to attend. And that was because I sat right across from Sebastian, Ominis, and... Poppy. Today, it seemed the former and the latter of that equation were being especially chummy. This was certainly the most entertained I've been in class all year.


I despised the way they looked so good together.


I despised the way her hand brushed against his as she wrote her notes down.


I despised the way she stared at him when he spoke to her. I despised how often he did speak to her.

"Y/n!" Natty interrupted my thoughts, and the hardened grip I had on my quill caused it to snap in half. I looked away from Sebastian and Poppy on the other side of the Charms classroom as my attention was turned towards Natty.

"Sorry, yes?" I asked her, and she looked down at my desk and nodded her head towards it.

"Your ink bottle? It's spilling." She said, and I looked down at my desk, gasping. The ink had ran all the way across my parchment page, ruining all my notes. A puddle of ink was inching down the desk towards me and my clothing, to which I quickly pulled my wand out.

"Tergeo!" I frantically cast, and the ink was wiped away from my desk and swept back into the ink bottle. I sighed in relief, though it didn't last long. My cast wasn't powerful enough to clean the ink that was soaked into my parchment.

"At least my desk is clean. I don't know what I would have done if Professor Ronen hadn't taught us that charm last year. Thank you, Natty." I said, clasping my hands together in gratitude. She chuckled at me and shook her head in amusement.

"I can tell your head is off in the clouds. Would you care to share why that is?" She asked, leaning forward on her desk, her elbows propped on the table. I looked down at my parchment, more concerned about that at the moment. She noticed this and slid her own notes towards me. The smell of fresh parchment was always pleasing to me, but it was even more enjoyable coming from pages that would save me from failing Charms class.

"Thanks." I said as I looked over the notes, "And it's really nothing." I reassured her. But of course, I was lying. I did feel bad lying to Natty, though. Aside from Ominis and Sebastian, she was probably my closest friend. But I decided to go with the lie, "I'm sure you've heard by now about the Slytherin party? It's all everyone wants to talk to me about."

I complained, and I could tell Natty mostly believed me. But she also never missed a detail. She sat up, realizing my answer to her question just led her to another question.

"And why did you get drunk at the party? If I knew you would have done that, I'd have attended simply to prevent you from doing it." She questioned me, and I could feel myself shrinking into my seat.

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