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Looking into my mirror, I tugged on a bit of my hair to let loose strands frame my face. The rest of my hair was in a bun. It wasn't a popular hair style, but I liked it. Sebastian liked it too, I remembered him mentioning it nonchalantly one day.

"What's that thing you do with your hair called?" Sebastian whispered, disrupting the quiet comfort of the library. I looked up from my books and shrugged, reaching out to touch my hair.

"It doesn't really have a name, I suppose. This is merely how I style it." I answered, nervously. Why was he asking about my hair? Did it look bad? Did I-

"I just thought it looked nice on you." He smiled down at his books when he said it, so he couldn't catch me blushing at his comment.


I haven't let go of that comment since. Backing up, I took one final look at myself in the mirror before heading to the door of my dormitory and down to the common room. The sound of my shoes hitting the stone floor echoed through the room as I entered the hallway.

There was a big party being thrown because of Slytherin's win earlier today, and I knew many people would be there.

Truthfully, I didn't do much at these parties, but I'd feel like an outcast if I failed to attend them. So I walked through the hall and down the stairs, noticing a small amount of people. It was still earlier in the evening, so the low attendance was expected. I looked around and saw Ominis and Sebastian sitting on the couch by the fireplace, so I approached them and plopped myself between the two. Sebastian smiled at me while I saw Ominis' eyebrows raise in surprise.

"What are we talking about, boys?" I asked innocently, looking between the two boys, trying to ignore the way Sebastian's shirt and vest clung onto his athletic build in the most perfect way. Especially the way his sleeves were rolled up just enough to expose his toned forearm.

"We were talking about how the parties are going to be now that we're the seventh years in charge." Ominis answered me, "Before we were so graciously interrupted."

"Oh well, they won't be too different, will they? Slytherin's, at least. Just imagine what kind of parties Gryffindor will hold now that Garreth is one of the people in charge of them." I chuckled, and Sebastian let out a "Ha!" in agreement. I turned to grin subtly at him, rolling my eyes and turning back to Ominis when Sebastian winked at me.

"Remind me never to attend a party if Garreth Weasley is the one hosting." Ominis grumbled, but judging by the slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, he wasn't serious. I turned to Sebastian, who was being awfully quiet.

"What about you? Where's lovergirl?" I leaned towards him as I teased him sarcastically, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"You know I don't want the romantic alliance between me and Poppy just as much as you do." He argued, and I shrugged with my arms crossed as I sunk into the couch, knowing he was right.

"Besides," He said, looking around the room to make sure no one was watching before wrapping an arm around me, "Lovergirl is right here." His low voice took over my hearing as he brought his lips right next to my ear. He smelled like fir and pine, and a slight hint of butterbeer. The proximity made a shiver crawl up my spine and I let out a stifled giggle before Ominis cleared his throat. We both turned to him.

"I'm still here, you know. Besides you two shouldn't be so open when there's so many people around." He scolded us, and I could feel myself growing just a bit colder as Sebastian retracted his arm from my shoulder. I suppose the fire still offered a hint of warmth, though it wasn't enough. It never was enough, the Slytherin common room is always unusually cold.

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