t h r e e

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"Get away from him!"

They're still kissing. Why are they still kissing?

"I said get off!" I tried prying them apart, but they wouldn't stop. The more I tried, the more my ears started ringing.

"Please stop, please..." I started crying, all I could do was stare at them. I tried turning my head away, but I was stuck looking at them. It felt cold. Colder than usual. I closed my eyes and just let the tears consume me. It grew colder and quieter. The ringing got louder. Then louder. Then louder.

Then it stopped.

When I opened my eyes back up again, I was back in the common room, but the party was definitely over, as there was no one to be seen. However when I looked next to me, Sebastian was there. For an agonizing second, I believed I was still in the nightmare. But when a smile appeared on his face once he realized that I was awake, I knew I was no longer dreaming. Either that or the nightmare took a complete 180 and I was going to have to time of my life.

"Y/n! You're up." He said, and I nodded, trying to prop myself up on my elbows and gracelessly failing back down. He held out a protective hand, trying to steady me.

"Be careful! You have a hangover. You had so much firewhiskey. To top it off some slimy git gave you beer, as if you needed any more alcohol in your system." He said while I laid back down on the couch, my head pulsing. I closed my eyes and groaned in pain.

"Needless to say I sorted it all out. Are you awake enough to talk?" He asked, placing a steadying hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly, and seeing as the room wasn't spinning like it was before, I nodded.

"I think so. I know I got drunk but... what happened?" I asked him, successfully sitting up on the couch (albeit with great struggle) and rubbing my temples with my fingers. There must be a spell for this.

"That's what I was going to ask you. I just saw you stumbling around and I laid you down on this couch. I apologize, I would have brought you up to your room but... you know." He said, a bashful expression on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. I hummed in understanding. It was common knowledge that the stairs to the girls dorm were enchanted so that boys couldn't go up them.

"Anyway, I found out from Garreth that you were drunk, Ominis had gone back up to our room so he had no idea what was going on." He explained, a hand in his hair and sighing, "I can't even bear to think about what would have happened if I hadn't been there. Why did you do that?" He let out another sigh as he put his hand back down and held mine gently. I groaned, face palming.

"It's going to sound so immensely stupid, I'm not sure I'm willing to tell you." I said quietly, letting out a bewildered chuckle. Sebastian narrowed his eyebrows in concern as his grip on my hand tightened.

"I'm serious, Y/n. You could have gotten hurt, no one was there to look after you." He said, and my eyes softened until I remembered the reason I drank in the first place.

"Fine. I was drinking because, well you've probably guessed it, you just don't want to admit it." I said, looking at him, "I know you didn't have a choice but it was still heart wrenching to watch." I said, looking away. The room was silent, I could only hear the cracking of the ever lit fireplace. He knew what I meant, his silence gave that much away.

"I don't blame you at all, I just let my emotions get the best of me and-" My explanation that would have turned into pitiful rambling was promptly cut off by a kiss from Sebastian. My brain was absolutely malfunctioning, but I sank into the kiss regardless. His hand was resting high up on the side of my neck, behind my ear. His breath tickling my face as his perfectly soft lips touched mine. After a few seconds, he pulled back until his face was inches away from mine.

Forevermore | Sebastian SallowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ