[ 𝟔 ] . . . the interview

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cho min-ji and hong woo-jin

Woo-jin slowly stirred awake on So-yeon's cozy couch, the morning light gently illuminating the room. Blinking away the remains of sleep, he found himself in a surprisingly snug situation. Min-ji's head lay comfortably on his lap, her hair forming a gentle cascade over the cushions.

Feeling a mixture of surprise and warmth, Woo-jin carefully shifted to avoid waking Min-ji. As he settled into a more comfortable position, he couldn't help but notice the peaceful expression on her face, the traces of a sweet dream still lingering.

The room was quiet, save for the soft hum of morning outside the window. Woo-jin couldn't resist a tender smile as he gently brushed a strand of hair away from Min-ji's face. The warmth radiating from the shared embrace on the couch made the room feel like a haven of tranquility.

As he gazed down at Min-ji, a wave of fondness washed over him. The serenity of the moment spoke volumes, creating an unspoken connection that transcended words. The light pressure of Min-ji's head on his lap felt like a comforting anchor, grounding them in the simplicity of the present.

In the midst of the morning calm, Woo-jin couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected beauty of the scene. The world outside may have been bustling with activity, but on So-yeon's couch, time seemed to slow down, wrapped in the warmth of shared dreams and the gentle embrace of a cuddly morning.

As Woo-jin savored the quiet morning with Min-ji nestled on his lap, a gentle stirring beside him signaled that the tranquility was about to be punctuated by wakefulness. Min-ji, blinking away sleep, slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a cozy tableau, her head comfortably resting on Woo-jin's lap.

She yawned and stretched, her gaze meeting Woo-jin's as they exchanged a knowing smile. "Well, good morning," she whispered, her voice soft and drowsy.

"Good morning," Woo-jin replied in an equally hushed tone, his eyes reflecting the warmth of the moment.

Min-ji sat up, still wrapped in the cocoon of drowsiness, and stifled another yawn. "How did we end up like this?" she asked, glancing around the room as if searching for clues. Gun-woo and Min-ju lay still, fast asleep on the floor. Their peaceful slumber added an extra layer of serenity to the room, their forms nestled in a shared repose. The sunlight, now painting the room in hues of morning, delicately touched upon Gun-woo's peaceful expression and Min-ju's serene countenance.

Woo-jin chuckled, "I think we fell asleep watching a movie, and, well, this just happened."

Min-ji laughed, rubbing her eyes, "Guess we're professional couch cuddlers now."

Woo-jin mockingly saluted, "Top of our class, I'm sure."

As they shared a quiet laugh, the morning light continued to stream into the room, casting a gentle glow on the scene. Min-ji, now fully awake, leaned against the couch and stretched again, her fingers lightly grazing Woo-jin's arm. "This isn't a bad way to wake up, you know."

Woo-jin nodded in agreement, "Couch cuddling should be a recognized art form."

Min-ji smirked, "We should patent it. Make millions."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓 ,   𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘰-𝘫𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now