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It was September 25th 1998, early in the morning and my bus finally arrived in Raccoon City. I was awoken by the sudden stop and loud noises everyone was making trying to get off. I merely waited patiently till nearly everyone was gone and then I grabbed my bag and walked off and I looked around and saw a phone booth and quickly made my way over and called my big sister.

"Did you make it there without an issue?" She asked me, concerned as she always was.

"Yup. As soon as I got off the bus, I called you just like you wanted me to," I said a little annoyed but being the youngest of my siblings was to be expected, my older brother and sister always saw me as the kid brother, no matter how old I was getting. "I'm gonna go to Chris's apartment and see if he's there and if not, I'll go to RPD. Maybe Barry, Brad or Jill will know where he is," Chris is my older brother btw.

"Chris is probably just being Chris," Claire, my older sister, simply brushed it off. It was true, this was a common occurrence with our oldest brother, "he's probably just knee deep in work."

"Maybe but it wouldn't kill Chris to pick up the damn phone when we call. Whatever happened two months ago. . . Chris hasn't been the same. You know he'd call us at least once a week but whatever happened in the Arklay Mountains, messed up Chris," I said, worried about my brother.

Claire sighed as she took a deep breath before speaking, "I'm sorry that I've dismissed what you were feeling. I know you two were always closer than he and I were. Just. . . Just keep me posted, ok and be safe. I know you've had training but you're still just a kid."

"You're only three years older than me," I scoffed followed by a laugh, "and sometimes, you're way more immature than I am."

Claire chuckled, "I'm just messing with you. You're my favorite younger brother."

"I'm your only younger brother," I rolled my eyes, "well I'll talk to you later. I'll call you when I find Chris."

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you too," I hung up the phone and began walking to Chris's apartment, which wasn't far from the phone booth. It felt really weird to be walking by myself. All the times I took a bus to visit Chris, he was always there to pick me up from the bus stop.

After walking four blocks from the phone booth, I finally arrived at Chris's apartment and I knocked three times but there was no answer, no noise of any kind. "Chris?" I called out. "Are you in there?" Again, no response and I scoffed as I reached for a lock pick I had in my backpack and picked the lock and viola! I opened the door. "Thank you Jill Valentine," I closed the door and set my bag in the living room and looked around and then I made my way into Chris's room but the bed was made and inside the entire apartment smelled very dusty, like he hadn't been there in a while. "Has he not been here since he left?" I asked myself. I sat on Chris's bed, what do I do? I said aloud to myself like a crazy person.

After thinking for what seemed like an eternity, I then began rummaging through Chris's things, looking for anything, a clue to his whereabouts but came up with nothing. I was really frustrated, my brother had been extremely secretive since that day he and the others returned from the Arklay mountains, though he never told me what happened, not the specifics anyway.

What I did find was an address and phone book of his pals, the S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service). I immediately dialed Brad's number but there was no answer but I left a message. I then called Barry's number but like Brad, there wasn't an answer and I hung up and dialed Jill's number but the line seemed dead. "Maybe she changed it?"

Rebecca was the last name in the book because the other STARS members had died two months ago and I called her and she answered within a few seconds, "Rebecca. It's me, Connor."

Resident Evil: Escape From Raccoon CityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora