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I awoke with a gasp, realizing I was on a cot and bandage wrap on my chest and arms and Owen was right at my side, "hey, hey. It's ok. You're alright," he calmed me down.

"What happened?" I asked him and then I immediately recognized where we were. "How did we end up back in RPD? Wait, where's Jill?"

"I don't know. Our train was derailed by the Nemesis monster. I wasn't sure how long I was out for but when I came to, Jill wasn't there and you were still out. I didn't know where else to take you so I carried you all the way back here and the kind people patched you up," Owen explained and I smiled.

"You carried me all the way here? Thank you."

"You saved me first. I was just paying it back," he grinned and so did I.

"How long have I been out for?"

"Over fifteen hours," Owen answered my question and I scoffed, I was not expecting that answer.


"Yeah. My injuries weren't as bad as yours. You had some deep cuts on your arms and face and a gash on the right side of your chest and a possible concussion. Marvin said you were lucky to survive. Glad I sprinted the whole way here and got you treatment," Owen smiled, he had a nice smile.

I turned my head a little to the left and could see it was night out again, "I slept through the entire daytime. That's crazy," I sat up but Owen tried to get me to lay back down, "it's fine. Where's my shirt?

"Here, Marvin got you a new one. Your old one was pretty torn up."

"Wait, the jacket I was wearing!?" I questioned him quickly, searching for it.

"Here, hold on," Owen walked a few feet away and handed me my jacket, backpack along with my weapons but I didn't care about them. Only Chris's jacket really mattered to me and it was mostly intact.

Surprisingly enough, it only had a tear on one of the sleeve and small ones throughout but still good to wear and I was happy to see it was, "this is pretty embarrassing but can you help with my shirt please?"

"Oh, yeah. Here," Owen grabbed my shirt and helped me put it on which was a struggle given my wounds on my chest but we managed to.

"Thanks," I stood up and Owen helped me with my jacket as well.

Just then, Marvin approached the both of us, "good to see you standing strong Little Redfield. Strong like your brother."

"All Redfields are strong. . . Anyway, what's the status of the police station? Any word of help coming?"

"No word but the barricades are holding but people are starting to get nervous and anxious. Someone even tried opening the doors and nearly succeeded but Officer Murray clocked the guy in the head before he could," Marvin explained and I clenched my teeth together.

"An idiot like like that is going to get us all killed. Well, I for one am not staying. I'm getting out of the city, running if I have to," I bluntly stated, "I'm not going to wait here for someone to get us all killed or be killed by the zombies trying to get in."

"How exactly are you planning on getting far? You're injured and you won't get anywhere without running into trouble. You won't have any help out there. The best thing for all of us to do is to hold out until help arrives," Marvin was trying to convince me but I just couldn't agree with that. I had made my mind up, the decision was pretty easy for me to make.

"I'm going Marvin. I'm not changing my mind."

Marvin shook his head as he was disappointed in my decision, "fine. Have it your way."

Resident Evil: Escape From Raccoon CityWhere stories live. Discover now