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Nearly two days days had passed in Raccoon City and things were only getting worse. The virus that Jill told me about was turning people into flesh eating monsters. A bite or mere scratch from the infected was enough to turn you into a zombie and we were extremely cautious. A city wide quarantine was now finally issued which I thought was late but better late than never I suppose. There were loud cries being heard from every corner in the city and police sirens screeching through the streets and the infected were overwhelming the city and believe me, I tried contacting Claire but the lines were dead. We were cut off and Jill's claims that it's all Umbrella made me believe her even more.

To keep me safe, Jill absolutely forbid me from leaving the apartment and since she had been through this sort of thing before, I had to listen to her. Jill was adamant that very early tomorrow morning, we were going to find a way out of Raccoon City but Jill said we had to wait for the right time. Jill was staring out the window again with her gun in her hand, "it gets worse every night," she croaked quietly to herself. I was laying on the pull out couch, staring at a photo of Chris, Claire and I had in my wallet but I put it away as I began to feel very sleepy, "you should sleep. We need to get up real early to leave the city."

I nodded as I set the photo back in my wallet and slowly nodded off into sleep.

It was extremely early in the morning and I awoke to the sounds of crashing cars and louder screams. I quickly jumped off the couch and stared out the window and there was a car that was flipped over and there seemed to be people inside and the infected were snarling, trudging slowly towards the car. "Oh no," I softly said. I know Jill said to not leave the apartment under no circumstances but I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. Jill was asleep on her desk and I had to do something and so, I grabbed my gun and quietly left the apartment and ran down the stairs and out to the car. After a minute, I finally made my way out and found the infected closer to the car and the people inside trying to desperately escape. I pulled out my gun and shot the closest infected to the car in the head and it dropped and I began to tremble. It was easy pulling the trigger but not easy realizing what I had done but I heard the screams of the people inside the car again and I shook my head and pulled the trigger again, killing more infected.

There was one left but I was out of bullets and my dumbass left the extra magazine I found in Chris's room in my backpack and I set the gun back in my holster but then noticed the last zombie there had a knife, a military knife. "Looks like standard issue."

The infected threw his hands up to grab me but I dove underneath it, between it's legs and grabbed the knife swiftly and then stuck it in the zombies head. I pulled it out and I sighed as I rushed to the car, "are you alright?" I asked the slightly older boy than me there.

"My legs are caught but please help my sister. She's unconscious," the boy said and I realized there was another person inside and she was pretty messed up, her injuries seemed real bad. I quickly went to the back and using all my strength, I managed to get her out and lay her on her back just outside the car and then I went back inside and pulled her brother out.

"Lucy!" The boy called out to her as he touched her face, "talk to me."

A few seconds later, she slowly opened her eyes and spoke, "Owen," she weakly said, barely able to squint her eyes open. Owen was relieved that she was awake but that's when I could heard more growling and snarling noises. There were more zombies coming our way.

"Sorry guys but we have to move," I said and Owen helped Lucy up to her feet and I wrapped her arm around my shoulder and both Owen and I helped her inside but when we did, we could feel the building tremble and the floors crashing and a loud roar, one I had never heard come out of any animal I had ever heard before but Jill was up there and I had to make sure she was alright. "Wait here," I told Owen and Lucy and I ran up the stairs and the hallway to the fifth floor was completely destroyed but I managed to climb over some debris but when I did, I heard the same roar again but this time, it said a word and I trembled at the sound of the word. It said, "STARS!" It was the most terrifying and managing voice I had ever heard. I then gasped. Jill was a STARS member, was thing whatever it was after her?

Resident Evil: Escape From Raccoon CityWhere stories live. Discover now