Chapter 21

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Control has always been something that Van never had problems with. No matter how mad or nervous or scared he had been, he was always able to control his emotions. He had always been able to hold back, ignore his rage and look at situation from another point of view, trying to understand why people were doing certain things. It was the same with Gungtan. They shared the same past, went through hell together and he could understand his motives from a year ago, even after he killed granny Van still tried to understand him and to help him.
But not now. Not like this. His emotions took the better of him and he realized that he wouldn't be able to hold back neither could he take control of his rage. When he saw Mi-Ho being pulled into that van by force, the surprise and horror in her eyes when she looked at him before the door was being closed, his rage and also fear just took the better of him. He wanted to immediately run after them but Yohan held him back. First, Van wanted to beat him up for holding him back, how could he try to hold him back when Mi-Ho was in danger?

''You can't. Van there are too many people present.''
''Do you think I care about that now?''
Yohan yanked his arm back after Van tried to shake him off. His eyes were serious.
''Those weren't demons. You can't attack them.''
Even if he was right about that Van could care less about it. But if it weren't demons, what would they want with Mi-Ho? Did Baek hire actual humans to do something to her because he knew that Van didn't hurt humans? This was frustrating.
''Mi-Ho is in danger. We have to do something.''
''And we will but you can't attack them.''
Yohan pulled him a bit more to the side when he noticed people taking pictures and videos of the just happened kidnapping. Soon it would be filled with police and security guards, Mi-Ho was after all the daughter of a well known and big company in south Korea. Maybe it would be better to let them handle this matter but he knew better that Van wouldn't sit still and he also didn't like the idea of waiting around for the police to do their job.
''You can't use your demon powers here, Van. It's too dangerous, this is not Jeju anymore.''
''Are you trying to lecture me right now?''
''If I may interrupt.''
The driver that came to pick them up cleared his throat and took a small step towards them.
''Ms. Won and butler Jang filled me in on the whole situation.''
''Great. Then follow the van.''
Van simply opened the door of car from the driver and sat inside, leaving Yohan and the driver no chance to do anything else but also sit inside. The man started driving immediately into the direction the van took off to. It had been a couple of minutes but Van and Yohan were able to pick up Mi-Ho's energy waves they could follow them anyway. Van just hoped that she wouldn't just burst her energy out and hurt those people, although they would deserve it.


''Let go of me!''
One of the man from the front was grunting annoyed.
''Can you please shut her up now. She is freaking me out.''
''I am freaking you out?!''
Mi-Ho trashed around, wriggling her body like a worm, trying to escape the grip of those two men in the back with her. The ground of the van in the back was pretty cold and felt more uncomfortable than she always imagined. Not that imagined being pinned down in the back of a van ever before but she saw movies where it happened and she often wondered how that would feel, great she could have passed on that experience.
''You guys are kidnapping me! I have all rights in the world to be freaking out!''

They were strong she had to give them that. The hold they had on her arms and legs were making it impossible for her to move anymore. She felt awfully narrowed down, not as scared as she thought she would. Sure it surprised her pretty much when she was suddenly pulled into the car like that but demons and monsters were way lot scarier than this. But who were these people anyway? And what did they want with her?

No matter where she looked there were no details in the van that could tell her something about the people who were kidnapping her right now. They were human, Mi-Ho could tell that much. She couldn't hurt them but she wished she could just send them flying. Was this some kind of welcoming joke from Baek? If so he was even more sick than she thought. But for some reason she didn't really believe that Baek had something to do with it. If he lured them here like this it would have been quite easy for him to just get rid of them if he wanted to. She felt hands on her face which was pretty uncomfortable for her. They felt rough and didn't care that they held her too firmly, it was the total contrary from when Van was touching her. He was always tender, his hands always felt warm on her skin and he would never hurt her. Something sticky was put over her mouth and she couldn't speak anymore so she just started screaming into the gray tape that was uncomfortably sticking to her skin. She was still trying to kick with her feet though but she felt both her legs being pressed together and a rope was being wrapped around them.
Are they serious?

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