Serena's voicelines

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Elemental Skill I:
You're done for.

Elemental Skill II:
It's over now.

Elemental Skill III:
True Elegance.

Elemental Burst I:
With grace and beauty.

Elemental Burst II:
Justice shall be served.

Elemental Burst III:
The firmament shall shatter.

Low HP I:
Unimaginable pain.

Low HP II:
This cannot be.

I don't wish to lose my balance...

Ally at Low HP I:
Boo, you suck!!

Ally at Low HP II:
Perhaps you might have stage fright.

Fallen I:
Is this... my last Performance?

Fallen II:
N-No.. please... *cries*

Fallen III:
There was no justice for me...

Light Hit Taken I:
I'll get my encore.

Heavy Hit Taken I:

Heavy Hit Taken II:
Don't you dare lay your hands on me!

Joining Party I:
Am I going to play the lead role?

Joining Party II:
And Pose!

Joining Party III:
Oh me, Oh my.


Hello, I am Serena. "Advocatus" and "Legatus" of Fontaine, as well as it's renowned Princess. It is my honor to meet you, dear friend. If you wish, you may call me "Your majesty" or "Your highness" If you believe that titles such as that are too much, you can also simply address to me as "Princess Serena" or simply "Serena." I don't mind either way. It is a pleasure to be here with you, new friend. Shall we discuss all matters together over a cup of tea? I'd be gladly to have someone fetch us a cup or two.

Chat: Crown
This crown on my head cannot waver, not during any storm whatsoever. It remains on my head at all times, showing off both my social status and my current title. Not to mention, it suits my complexion quite beautifully.

Chat: Sirens
Sirens were once the most beautiful creatures native to Fontaine. sigh Now everyone is so obsessed with Melusines, this us truly a pity.

Chat: Performances
When I'm not performing, I love to watch the performance of other people in the Opera House. I always make sure they receive a bouquet of flowers after their performances from my side.

When It Rains:
It's raining again... I would love to sit down and enjoy a crème brûlée however I believe it is time that I pay a visit to the Chief Justice.

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