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"Peaceful bliss, just moments away."

Eddie stops. Turns around and runs into the bathroom, pukes his guts up. Slumps down to the floor, his whole body shaking with sobs.

The bats got into the trailer.

Eddie and Dustin did their best, blocked off what entrances they could and fled through the portal.

The damn things flew right after them.

It was one thing to see Chrissy or Steve or the others dying. He hardly knew them, even if he'd like to know them better. But Dustin... Eddie remembers the dumb bat-tle pun he'd made, the way he'd smiled, the way he'd reached for Eddie when they were both laying there, bleeding out, and crumples a little more.

Eddie's died to the bats' bites twice now, he knows how terrible a fate it is. Dustin was never meant to go through that. He'd never go through that again if Eddie had any say in it.

Even if it takes a hundred more loops, Eddie's going to find a way that doesn't put Dustin in harm's way.

After. After this loop. For now... Eddie needs to rest.


"Oh, god!"

Eddie's jolted awake by his uncle's scream. With everything that had happened-and happened over again-he'd forgotten that Wayne was the one who found Chrissy.


Before Eddie can get up, Wayne appears in the doorway, looking more scared than Eddie's ever seen him.

How many days, weeks, has it been? Eddie's struck by the realization that he hasn't even seen Wayne since before all this started. All at once, he's off the floor and hugging Wayne and sobbing again, great big ugly sobs he knows Wayne hasn't seen from him since his mom died.

Wayne holds onto Eddie as tightly as Eddie holds onto him, each the other's lifeline.


When the tears have subsided-on both their parts-Wayne pulls back to look at Eddie and asks, "What happened?"

Eddie croaks out, "I didn't do it."

"I know you didn't. What happened?"

So Eddie explains everything, his voice rough and giving out more than once. Chrissy, the time loops, alternate dimensions. Wayne nods along, asks the occasional question like they were having a normal conversation and there wasn't a dead body in the next room.

"What do your friends think caused the... time traveling?" Wayne asks.

"Gareth thought I was crazy," Eddie recalls. "I, uh, haven't told the others yet."

A raised eyebrow is enough to make Eddie feel sheepish. "Why not?"

"I mean..." Eddie flails for words. "Monsters and superpowers are one thing, but time travel is something else entirely."

"You're afraid they won't believe you," Wayne states as fact. Without waiting for a response, he continues, "If they don't, then you'll just keep trying until they do. I know you, kid-you don't ever give up on something once you've set your mind to it. Remember how long it took you to learn how to play that guitar of yours?"

When Eddie doesn't respond, Wayne nods, like he knows he's gotten through to Eddie. Which he has, like he always does. "Go to your friends. I'll give you some time before I call this in."

Eddie hugs Wayne again, hopes this isn't the last time he sees him. "I love you."

"Love you, too, kid."

Peaceful bliss, just moments away (Stranger Things)Where stories live. Discover now