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Dying is easier said than done. Eddie doesn't want to reset this loop, not when he'd finally told Steve how he feels. But he can't let Gareth die permanently when he can prevent it.

The thing is, Eddie doesn't know how to die. He'd done it on purpose with the van, but that was when he knew what angle to turn at and how to hit the tree that night. If he tried again now, would he do it right? Or would he just hurt himself without dying?

Eddie thinks of the bats, but the only gate would be at Gareth's house. How long does it take for a gate to open? He's not sure, but he doesn't want to sit around and wait.

Finally, Eddie's thoughts drift to Lover's Lake. He could do it now. But could he actually do it?

Eddie's still not sure as he parks his van, glancing at Steve in the passenger seat.

"Thanks for coming with me," Eddie says. "I... I know they won't remember but..."

"You didn't want to die in front of Henderson and the others," Steve finishes for Eddie.

Eddie nods silently. He climbs out of the van, limbs feeling stiff and too tense, his stomach in knots.

They take the boat and row out into the lake, the rippling of water and distant bird calls the only sounds around them. When they reach the middle, Eddie takes a breath, another, then peers over the side.

Better do it now, before I lose my nerve.

"Eddie," Steve says, grabbing Eddie's arm. "Make him pay."

Eddie stares at Steve, a what the fuck coming to mind.

"That's something you told me, right? I'm not... just imagining that?" Steve looks desperate, lost, and Eddie knows exactly how that feels.

"How the hell...?"

"I've been getting these flashes, like I'm remembering things. Mostly just- just feelings but sometimes I hear you, things you've said," Steve says. "It started when you showed up at my house."

Eddie studies Steve's face, which is deadly serious, and tries not to cry but fails. "So I'm not the only one who remembers?"

Steve nods. "I'll remember next time, too. I promise."

Eddie's not sure who leans in first but the next thing he knows they're kissing, desperate and hopeful and determined all at once, a promise made not just in words but in action.

As the water rises up around him, Eddie holds that promise close, warmed by it even as the cold water seeps into his bones.


After Eddie saves Chrissy again, explains everything again, and they're on their way to Steve's after the stop at her house, Eddie hesitates. "What did, uh... what did Vecna show you? When he attacked you?" he asks.

Chrissy glances at Eddie before staring down at the floorboards. She pulls her headphones down around her neck. "He... he showed me my parents. My mom, saying things. Some of it... was stuff she'd said before."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," Chrissy admits. "But... It's like she doesn't hear herself, sometimes. Like she's trying to be nice and encouraging but underneath it just sounds like she's just calling you fat, or lazy, or-And I don't know if she doesn't mean it or if she's- if she's doing it on purpose." The last part comes out as a whisper.

Eddie's familiar with the type. "Like when your teachers call you stupid without actually saying it, so you can't call them out on it."

Chrissy smiles sadly. "Yeah, it's like that." She hesitates, fiddling with the headphone cord. "After... after you save everyone, can we be friends?"

Peaceful bliss, just moments away (Stranger Things)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat