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The kids pile into Steve's car with Eddie while Nancy and Robin follow in Nancy's car. Steve is quiet-seemingly focused on driving but with a tension to his jaw that speaks otherwise-while Eddie explains once more. He leaves out the time Dustin died-the kids don't need to hear about that.

"If you're really in a time loop, can you tell me what I'm about to say?" Dustin interrupts.

Eddie sighs. "No, because I've never been here before."

"You mean you've never told us what was going on?" When Eddie shakes his head, Dustin's voice raises, "Well why the hell not?"

"I was trying to figure out what was going on!"

"Which we could have helped you with!"

"Give me a break, man-"

"We don't know if this will keep going! You could run out of lives! You can't afford to waste time trying to figure things out on your own just because you're too stubborn-"

"Henderson!" Steve barks and silence immediately falls over the car. "Leave Eddie alone or so help me I will turn this car around and leave your ass at home. Got it?"

"Okay, mom," Dustin grumbles and even Max lets out a snort of laughter, the first positive sign Eddie's seen from her since dropping the bomb that she's cursed.

"Jesus christ," Steve sighs, but when he catches Eddie's eye in the rearview, Eddie can see the fondness in his eyes.


Dustin was angry, but he had a point. How many more lives-or deaths-does Eddie have left? He needs to make every loop count.

First things first, they need a base of operations. True to his word, Steve brings them to his house.

"Don't touch anything!" Steve yells after the kids as they run inside, turning a helpless look toward Robin as she just shrugs.

"You've seen my house, Steve," Nancy says. "They're definitely breaking things."

"It's okay, mom," Eddie grins at Steve. "I won't touch anything you don't want me to."

"Don't call me mom, that's weird. I'm a guy!"

"Would you rather I called you daddy?"

Eddie laughs at Steve's flustered silence and heads inside.


Inside, no one's in the mood to face what they have to do. Not yet, not when they have another day and a half before they actually have to fight. They end up raiding Steve's kitchen, cooking dinner while chatting about anything and everything.

"It's not like I knew he was gonna grow into a Demogorgon!"

Eddie laughs, flipping the grilled cheese he was cooking. Robin had suggested spaghetti, but took one look at Eddie's face and dropped the idea. "Steve was right, you are a butthead."

"Thanks." Steve smiles, then frowns. "When did I call him a butthead?"

Waving the spatula dismissively, Eddie says, "A different loop. A few of them, actually."

"The ones where I die?" Max asks from her perch on the counter. It's the first time she's said more than two words in a row since they got here.

"You don't die," Eddie says firmly. "Not in any of the loops." He jabs the spatula at her walkman. "That thing saves you every time."

"Things are different now. What if it doesn't work this time?"

"Then I'll keep trying. I promise."

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