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"Are we sure this isn't a trap?" Robin asks as they stand beside the gate in the pool.

"A little late to worry about it now," Steve points out. They'd already armed themselves with what supplies they needed and dropped the others off at the Creel House.

Eddie stands at the edge of the gate. "Only one way to find out, right?" He steps forward.

The thing about the Upside Down is that it's actually upside down. Stepping foot-first into the gate meant that Eddie found himself falling head-first to the ground.

"Ow," Eddie groans. He makes a note not to do that next time-if there is a next time.

Steve follows next in what Eddie can only guess was some kind of fancy swimmer's dive because he lands gracefully next to Eddie and offers him a hand up. They move out of the way for Nancy and Robin, Nancy's landing a little less awkward than Robin's-which is still better than Eddie's.

They make their way to the Creel House in silence. The atmosphere is thick with tension and no one dares to speak. Even from a distance, they can see the demobats swirling around the house.

Once they've gotten as close as they dare, it's time to set up. Instead of distracting the bats with music, they decided to ward them off with fire. Gareth had an absolutely ridiculous stash of fireworks leftover from the summer-some of which Eddie is pretty certain aren't even legal-and armed them to the teeth.

"Alright, guys, we're sticking to the plan this time," Steve says. "No hero shit," he adds with a pointed look at Eddie.

Eddie looks right back at Steve. "You did it first."

"Okay, yeah, I did," Steve concedes. He glances at Robin and Nancy as if considering something, then turns back to Eddie with a look that says he's made his mind up. With a step forward, he closes the distance between them for a brief-but no less meaningful-kiss. "Be careful, okay?" he says when he pulls back.

"I will. And you, too." Eddie thinks of saying something to lighten the mood, something like Henderson would never forgive me if something happened to you, something that feels less like I would never forgive myself, but the words fall away when his gaze meets Steve's, the silence stretching on.

Then Eddie turns back to the fireworks and the moment is gone. "Ready to light 'em up, Steve?"

Robin looks between the two of them, confused. "Did I miss something?"

"I'll explain later," Steve says with a grin.

"Alright." Robin looks back to the fireworks with a shrug. "Just don't, you know, burn down the house with us in it," she says with an awkward laugh.

"Oh yeah, didn't Eddie tell you? That's plan B." Steve rolls his eyes at the unsure look Robin gives him. "I'm not gonna burn down the house."

"Well, if your aim is as bad as your flirting-"

"My flirting is fine-"

Eddie turns to Nancy, ignoring the bickering. "Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that question. I'm sure you just want this all to be over, right?"

"Well, you're not wrong."

Nancy smiles. "I know we don't know each other very well-or I don't know you, at least-but... I think you're good for him. He seems happy. I'm glad."

Eddie shuffles on his feet. "I have a bit of a confession to make, actually. In one of the other loops, I sort of... encouraged him to get back together with you." At Nancy's raised brows, he explains, "It was a test. To see if he's over you."

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