Chapter 7

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The clearing, bathed in the flickering light of the campfire, bore witness to an unusual convergence of worlds. The world superpowers stood at the edge, their gazes fixed upon the half-bird tribe that had revealed itself in the heart of the Southeast Asian rainforest.

Moments of stillness lingered in the clearing, an unspoken exchange between the world superpowers and the half-bird tribe that called the rainforest home. In that quiet moment, Cenderawasih, the embodiment of ASEAN, finally broke the silence with a question that hung in the night air like a melody.

"What brings lost travelers to our haven?" ASEAN inquired, the tone carrying a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

America, quick on his feet despite the revelation, stepped forward, playing the role of the lost traveler with practiced ease. 

"Oh, you know, just got lost in this vast rainforest. We got separated from our group, and we... didn't expect to stumble upon such a... unique gathering. We mean no harm, we just... want... refuge for the night."

China and Russia, maintaining the act, nodded in agreement, their expressions crafted to convey uncertainty.

ASEAN, though seemingly accepting, remained vigilant. "Lost, you say? In these woods? What led you to our clearing?"

America, hesitating for a moment, managed to keep up the facade. "Well, we saw the campfire from a distance and thought it might be a good place to rest for the night. Hope you don't mind us staying here."

The other family members, their half-bird forms creating a surreal tableau in the moonlit clearing, exchanged glances that spoke of a shared skepticism. Yet, in the spirit of hospitality ingrained in their culture, they decided to entertain the strangers.

"Allowing strangers into our haven is unprecedented. Why should we trust you?"

China, maintaining the facade, added with a hint of vulnerability, "Like we said, we mean no harm. We're just travelers seeking refuge until we can find our way back."

After a moment of contemplation, Thailand, the oldest child, agreed, "They can stay until noon tomorrow. By then, they must leave."

"Thai's right... Very well. You may stay until noon tomorrow, but no longer. We are protective of our haven, and any violation will not be taken lightly."

The superpowers, though relieved at the reprieve, maintained their act, expressing gratitude for the family's generosity. As the night unfolded, the half-bird tribe and the travelers engaged in an intricate dance of pretense. The family, with feathers and avian grace, moved with an otherworldly elegance, while the superpowers navigated the delicate balance of maintaining their act while discerning the tribe's true nature.

The family, seated on logs surrounding the campfire, welcomed the world superpowers with a gracious hospitality. 

Cambodia and Laos gestured towards one of the logs arranged around the fire, inviting the world superpowers to join the familial gathering.

"Please, travelers, have a seat. Share in our warmth and hospitality," they invited, eyes glinting with a sense of camaraderie.

As the family engaged in light-hearted chatter, sharing stories that echoed through generations, they invited the expedition team to join them on the logs encircling the fire. The world superpowers, still portraying lost travelers, took their places, eyes darting curiously between the family members.

The night air in the enchanted clearing carried the aroma of river fish, caught from the pristine waters that flowed through the heart of the rainforest.

East Timor, the youngest member of the family, offered a warm smile as he handed each of them a plate. "Enjoy our traditional river fish. It's a delicacy we enjoy every time at dinner!"

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