Chapter 71 - 80

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Chapter 71

The bright yellow oranges hang on the tree one by one, waiting for their owner to pick them. There are also some naughty ones hiding in the green branches and leaves, hoping that they will not be found, but they do not know that their bright yellow-red color can be seen even when hidden in the most lush branches and leaves. see.

When Shen Zhiyi planted orange trees, there were not many kinds of orange trees, only one orange tree, so when the oranges on this tree were eaten up, their family would be out of oranges.

But looking at the branches loaded with heavy fruits, it would still take a while for them to finish eating.

They put their backpacks under the tree and started picking oranges.

This tree is not too tall, but it is about three or four meters high. If they don’t climb the tree, they really won’t be able to pick the oranges growing on it.

This tree is nourished by the water and soil of space. Its trunk is strong and straight, and it can fully bear the weight of an adult.

Yun Muye climbed up lightly and hung the bamboo basket he was carrying on a tree trunk. After standing firmly on his feet, he began to pick oranges one by one.

The two people under the tree also went around the branches to pick oranges one by one. They did not pick the light yellow ones because they were not fully grown yet. These oranges tasted very sour and had to be left on the tree to grow longer.

They picked reddish oranges, which are ripe and have no sour taste when eaten directly.

In just half an hour, they had picked most of the oranges, and the ones still on the trees could still grow for two more days.

Originally, they estimated that the oranges on the tree could probably hold two baskets. However, after they picked all the oranges, the two baskets were almost empty. Shen Zhiyi still had a full basket in his hand. A basket of oranges.

They covered the backpack and basket with a piece of dusty cloth, and then tied the corners of the cloth to the basket, creating a space.

The wind and snow were still so strong that as soon as they came out of the space, their faces were covered with snow, and the cloth covering the oranges was blown up by the wind.

Shen Zhiyi spit out the snow in her mouth, and Yun Muye walked to her side, used his body and backpack to block part of the wind and snow from her, and returned home.

Yun Mu'an was waiting at the door. When he saw a few figures slowly appearing in the heavy snow, he jumped with joy and immediately ran over and took the bag filled with oranges from Shen Zhiyi's hand. basket.

After looking around furtively and finding no one there, he opened the outer cloth and saw round yellow and orange oranges inside. His eyes widened, and then he smiled like a crescent moon. .

"Hurry up, put down the backpacks."

Yun Yushu helped them put down the backpacks. When he saw the two baskets full of oranges, he was also surprised and disbelieving.

"Really oranges! There are so many, how can you finish them all! How did you two find them? There are too many, they are so round and they look delicious..."

Yuan Xingping patted him, " Stop? Say it, quickly pour out the oranges and put them in the room."

This thing is now the most precious food in the family. I wonder where else can I find this kind of fruit besides theirs? If it is discovered by the villagers. Don't be jealous. What else might come up? If you have any thoughts that you shouldn't have, it's better to hide them, as long as their family members know about them.

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