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This Chapter has Many Time skips!!!

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This Chapter has Many Time skips!!!

Nadia Claire never thought she'd be here. After being forced to turn into a vampire she'd thought that having children was impossible but here she was 6 months pregnant and carry a child. Sadly the father didn't know and wasn't around as him and his family had to run due to the monster of their father finding them. When Nadia discovered she was pregnant she went to every witch possible to discover how this miracle was possible only to discover she had a gift that would allow her to carry a child with the one she loved and that her child would have the gift as well if the baby turned into a vampire then they got older.

3 months later a bouncing baby girl was born. The little girl was named after her father and her mother's best friend Nikole Elizabeth Mikaelson. She was the spitting image of her mother expect her eyes and hair color that she got from her father. Nadia was upset that Niklaus would probably never get to meet their babygirl but the women made a promise to herself that Nikole would grow up knowing who her family was.

As Nikole got older her mother kept her word making sure she knew everything she could about her father, uncles, and aunt. Nadia slowly realized that her daughter acted more like her best friend than her father. Always pulling pranks to making jokes here and there. Nadia swore she was raising a baby Kol instead of a baby Klaus. The one thing the little girl did develop was her father's love for art. Nikole was always trying to find something to paint and would spend all day painting.

"Mommy, Mommy! Look what I did." The little girl rushed in showing her mother a painting a as good as 6 year old could do. "That's Gorgeous honey." She commented smiling at her babygirl's excitement of just a painting. "That's me, you, daddy, and uncle Kol!" She exclaimed as she pointed at each picture causing Nadia to chuckle. "It looks just like them baby." She whispered trying to keep her tears at bay. "Mommy, will I ever meet them?" Nikole asked looking up at her mother with innocent doe eyes. "I don't know little dove, Maybe one day." Nadia whispered kissing her daughter's head. Nadia knew her 6 year old wanted to meet her family more than anything but Nadia had no earthly idea where the family was.

Age 15 Nikole and Nadia decided it was time for a new start and decided to move to Mystic Falls. That was where Nikole met the Salvatores. Damon who was also 15 instantly fell in love with the girl it felt like something just click and his life revolved around the girl that was Nikole Mikaelson. Any where the girl went you were sure to see the young man with her escorting her to the founder events, taking her on evening strolls or just hanging out into eachother humble homes.

"No stop!" Giggled 18 year old Nikole as Damon picked her up and spun her around. The blue eyed man couldn't help himself he loved having her in arms reach. "My apologies, I can't help myself." He said jokingly turning the women to him. Nikole looked him in the eyes seeing nothing but love. As the two got closer she couldn't help but return those feelings she always felt so safe and protected in his presence and wouldn't change a thing. "I love you." Damon declared shocking the both of them. Damon wasn't expecting those words to come out of his mouth and as he thought them and Nikole was shocked that he felt the same way. A bright smile appeared as her face as she gently put her hand on his cheek. "I love you too." She whispered as the slowly leaned in giving each other a short loving kiss.

At age 25, Giuseppe Salvatore forced Damon to go into the Confederate Army. Breaking the twos heart as they have never been separated before. Before Damon left he went to Nadia knowing the women raise Nikole on her own and asked her if it was ok to ask the girl to marry him. Of course Nadia said yes immediately knowing how happy the man made her daughter. Damon and Nikole walked through the wooded path as they made there way to there secret spot which was a meadow with a small pond. "Damon, why are we out here? You leave tomorrow." Nikole asked as they slowly came to the meadow. She thought it was weird because all he said was they needed to talk and then lead her out here. "Nikole Elizabeth Mikaelson, when I first met you I was completely and utterly in love with you. You became my best friend and have supported me through every bump in the road. I am standing here tonight asking if you will do me the honor of marrying me." He asked as he gone down on one knee showing a beautiful silver band ring. She quickly nodded holding out her hand so he could put it on her finger. "I know the ring isn't nothing fancy. But I promise one day I will replace it with something better." He promised only to be stopped being pulled into a loving kiss. "It's perfect, thank you." Nikole whispered hugging him tightly both couples enjoying the moment unaware the storm that was on its way.

The Ring

The Ring

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