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A couple months after Damon returned from the Confederate Army, Nikole had realized that her fiancé had become distant

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A couple months after Damon returned from the Confederate Army, Nikole had realized that her fiancé had become distant. Her worry growing for him she quickly went over to his home only to find him in bed with that wench Katherine. "Mother!" She cried out as she enter her home with tear stain cheeks causing her mother to rush to her baby. "What's wrong little dove?! Why are you crying?" She rushed out gently setting her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "He cheated, he was in bed with that wenched woman Katherine." Nikole whimper causing her mother to pull her in a tight embrace. Nadia knew immediately what the doppelgänger done and that she has compelled her way into that young man's mind.

"No baby, listen you know how I'm a vampire right?" Nadia asked her daughter putting her hands on Nikole's cheeks making the girl look at her. All she received was a nod from her hearbroken daughter. "We do this thing called compel. It's where we can get into peoples mines and control what they do. Baby, what he's doing isn't his own actions." Nadia tried to reassure her daughter knowing that if something happened and Damon turned he'd remember everything with Katherine was a lie. Nikole didn't know how to feel she knew to always trust her mother but at the moment her heart hurt to much. "Ok Mother." She mumbled hugging her mother tightly just wanting to be in her mother's embrace.

Months after months Nikole watched the interaction between her fiancé and the vampire and it hurt her heart more. She felt like it was being ripped out and shredded to pieces as she watched the love of her life love another against his will. It was the night of one of the many founders events which the Claire's were now consider as.Emily Bennett rushed to Nadia with an Urgent warning. "Nadia, you need to get out of here! Tonight the founders have something special planned for the vampires that are hiding away in town." She rushed out to her friend. When Nadia and Nikole had moved to Mystic Falls the two women instantly hit it off becoming great friends despite the whole hating vampire thing. "Emily, You know Nikole isn't going to want to leave." Nadia stated gently knowing that her little dove isn't going to leave the man she loves. "Nadia, I'll watch over her but you need to leave. They will kill you and I will not let your little girl lose the only parent she knows." Emily demanded knowing that Nadia couldn't say no when her daughter was involved. "Fine, but promise me you will protect her. I mean it Emily." Nadia begged her best friend trying not to show all her emotions. "I promise, she can stay with me or stay here. But, I'll constantly look after her until it's safe for you." Emily reassured causing the mother to sigh.

Nikole had just walked into her home to get ready for the Founders day event when she paused seeing her mother's state. "Mother? What's wrong?" She asked gently walking over to the woman who quickly pulled her into a hug. "Little dove I need you to listen. Something is happening tonight and I need to leave. Emily is going to watch you until it's safe for me to come back. I have a feeling something is going to happen and with your permission I want to give you some of my blood" Nadia rushed out causing Nikole to pause. "But, Mother." The girl started only to be interrupted. "Baby, you need to trust me ok. If something happens and you die with my blood in your system you will turn." Nadia added causing Nikole to nod. "I'll do it." The brown hair girl whispered causing her mother to kiss her forehead before she bit her wrist and held it out to her daughter. Nikole gave a look of disgust before slowly getting some of her mothers blood cringing at the metallic taste. "I love you Little dove we'll be together again." Her mother whispered before disappearing into the night.

It was complete chaos, the founders had found a way to reveal the vampire's leaving them to lead them to a tomb under Fells Church. Sadly, that was the least of Nikole's worries the girl quickly rushed around looking for her love only to gasp when she heard gun shots. Turning around quickly she saw Damon and his brother lying on the ground bleeding out with their father standing over them. Feeling eyes on him Giuseppe looked up seeing the shock and fearful eyes of Nikole. "You know I don't do well with witnesses or people that care about vampires." He gritted out taking steps to Nikole. The girl gulped before she quickly started running dodging every shot the man shot at her only to be hit in the stomach as she went to rush down an alley way falling to the ground. Giuseppe stood over the girl in complete disgust knowing the truth now about Nadia thanks to Katherine. "Where is your mother foolish girl!" He yelled causing her to flinch. "I-I don't know. I haven't seen her in a couple days." The girl lied knowing her mother wasn't but a few miles away in New Orleans. The man chuckled not saying anything and left the girl who was bleeding out to die.

 The man chuckled not saying anything and left the girl who was bleeding out to die

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