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"He's late again," Bomi said for the fourth time, staring at her laptop screen with a bored expression. She never had a problem dealing with students who slack off but for some reason, she found it hard to tolerate this guy.

"He texted me. Something came up and he'll be here soon." Taehyung said, placing his drink on the table, eyes glancing at the cafe's door from time to time.

Most classes were over so the cafe wasn't too crowded. The atmosphere was calm and serene. Perfect for working on their project.

"Wake me up when he'll be here," Hyunjae said, covering his head with his hoodie and placing it on the table.

The three friends were put in a group assignment with a junior who was always late for class and with no surprise, to their meetings. This was the third time.

"Wouldn't it be better to ask the professor to put him in with the juniors? My time's too precious-"

"Why don't we cut him some slack?" Taehyung interrupted her, taking a sip of his smoothie, trying not to show he was happy to have this late guy in his team.

"How come you're putting up with him? You don't like it when people show up late." Bomi crossed her arms, leaning back on the seat. She knew something was up.

"Don't read too much into everything. He does good work. So far, he didn't cause trouble. Plus, he was paired up with Jimin last semester and they got a really good grade for their presentation." Taehyung replied, playing with his pens.


"Sorry, I'm late!" A brown-haired boy dashed to their table. He bent down a little to catch his breath, "Sorry- I had some issue with a classmate. I got you guys donuts as an apology."

"You think we're toddle-"

"Thank you, Jungkook. We really appreciate it," Taehyung interrupted her again, smiling at the boy who was relieved not to be scolded.

"But it would be really helpful if you could try to show up early. You know we all have packed schedules." Taehyung continued, gesturing for him to take a seat next to him.

"Thank you so much! I'll try my best." He took a seat, put his bag on the table, and looked at the person sleeping.

"Wake up, dumbass. He's here." Bomi kicked Hyunjae's chair, making the guy jerk, too tired to even glare at her.

"No wonder all your boyfriends left you." Hyunjae scoffed, setting the handouts he gathered for this project. Bomi brought him in a side hug.

"Except you." She leaned down to kiss his cheek but got interrupted by Taehyung clearing his throat, and giving her a look.

"Be lovey-dovey with each other later." He said, placing the research books in the middle of the table, "I've brought these. Let's discuss and divide the parts each of us is going to work on."

"Yes, sir." Bomi mocked him, sending her boyfriend a flying kiss. He smiled at her. Both looked at Taehyung to find him staring.

"Don't make our junior uncomfortable."

"It's fine. No big deal. It's not like I don't see a gazillion couples around the campus being like this." Jungkook said, taking out his notebook and pens.

"Exactly. Single people like you won't get that this is normal, Tae." Bomi snickered, causing Jungkook to look at Taehyung, genuinely surprised to find his popular senior being single.

He was close to asking him why he wasn't dating. He thought Taehyung was going out with someone but just kept it private.   

I mean, he's Kim Taehyung. He got admirers in most departments. Got girls and guys swooning after his gorgeous looks and sweet personality.

"Last time I checked, today's discussion didn't involve calling me out like this. Focus and do your part." Taehyung opened the book, along with the project handout which had details.

They started working and Jungkook followed whatever Taehyung told him, not paying much attention to the couple who were flirting while working.

It had been a while and they got so much work done, thanks to Taehyung leading and guiding them. They never even discussed who would lead. It was natural for the boy to do it.

"Sorry about them. Hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable." Taehyung leaned towards the junior, talking in a low voice, loud enough for only Jungkook to hear.

"It's no problem. Thank you for being so considerate." Jungkook replied, gaze holding Taehyung's. He wondered if he was looking at his attractive senior for longer than he should.

"It's nothing." Taehyung smiled, opening the box of donuts. He offered it to Jungkook first, making the boy smile sheepishly.

"I'm good. You guys should enjoy them."

"It would be weird if the three of us are eating and you're not. It's been more than an hour and you worked hard, so." Taehyung insisted and Jungkook took it, heart strangely happy.

The fuck? Why is my heart fluttering?

Jungkook took the chocolate one, turning away to take a bite and not stare at the gorgeous person next to him.

"Give us some too. I'm starving." Bomi reached out, getting two donuts. She handed one to her boyfriend and took a bite from her own.

"Must be tired after all that pda," Taehyung said, eyes on his phone's screen. From his peripheral vision, he could see Jungkook trying to hold back a laugh.

"Jealous?" Hyunjae made a face at him.

"Oh, not at all. Did you forget who introduced you two in the first place?" Taehyung said, smiling cheekily.

He picked up his smoothie, frowning to find it finished. It was for just one second but Jungkook noticed his disappointment, "Should I get you another one?"

Taehyung shook his head, uttering a thank you with his smile that made Jungkook want to keep looking at him.


29. 11. 2023

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